

Charleston so ca
May the 13th 1862
Dear Martha
having taken a notion this moring to
write to the old man I thought I would
drop you a few lines too this leaves me
well and I trust to got that it may find
and the children in the very best of health
I have nothing new to write yow now I
mearly write this to let you know that
I have not nor never will for get yow and
the children. I wrote you a letter last
saturday if you have got it you will have
the news I no of this place I have not
heard from you since last salesday and I
ver anxious to hea from you I want you
to write to me every week and let me
know how every thing is getting on the hogs
cattle and meule, and whether any one
has been carried of[f] in the army w[i]th conscrip
if so who it is and where they are gone to
let me know whare your Brothers Dick and Jim
are goane ot what they are doing, I must
close by saying kiss Jimmy and Ida for me
every day and let them kiss you for me
so no more but remain you affection-
ate Husband till Death Farewell
Joseph A Drummond

P S Tell Jimmy I will write to him
next time I write and he must nerse
Ida good for me and kiss her twice
a day for me
Joseph A Drummond

May 13, 1862


Co. G and Co. E, 1st South Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Barnwell County, SC


Residence (County): 
Barnwell County, SC


From State: 
South Carolina
From County: 


To State: 
South Carolina

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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    University of Georgia
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