Sullivans isalnd feb 27 1864
My dear wife and children I this eavning
I Seat my Self to let you no that ive
Got back to my redgment I got hear
this morning a bout ten oclock I
Got through Safe with them boxes I had
vary good luck I met with a man at
Spartanburg going to James island
And we con tracted to help each other
with our boxes and when we got to
Alston I met Sam hudgins Coming
to our Co and I had help all the
Way the boxes only Cost me one
dolar and fifty cents one dollar for men and
Mr Browns 50. cts for halling
them from the depot to the boat
Landen I herd at Alston that three
Ridgments of our brigade was gone
to flariday and our redgment
was to of started the nite before
And I tell you if I had aherd it
At Sparten burg I wood of come
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Back home sertin but I found them
Whair I Left them but ther has 3
Redg of the Bragade gone to flariday
And leaves the dewty vary hard on
our men thay say thay haf to work
All day and picket ever other nite and
Some times ever nite ther is one
hundred of our men in Sumter
now a garden it times is still hard
hear thay say thay havent seed but one
Little mess of meat Sens I left noth
ing but bred these lines leaves me
well hopen thay may Come Safe
to your hand and find you all
well I want you to take good cear of
your self When you haf to go apon
your crutches and if it takes eny back
set send and get Mrs Bolews gall
to stay with you but try and take cear
And not [go?] on it anuf to give it a back
set John and William When I hear from
you I want to hear you ar[?] geting along fine
with your work So I want you to rite
as son as you get this for I want to hear
from you vary bad So I must close
A.. H. Lister to Mary .J. Lister and