Greenville S C April 8 1862
Dear William
thir is no m[o]ment that is So plesent with me
as when wrighting to afreind
I have nothing of intrust we ar all well at
present and hope that this may find you
the same your Father was here on last
sunday he heird that I was Dead but I
new it was not so as soon as I hird it the
famley was all well at that time.
Will you have lost your girl by
going to the wares Margret was Married
to one of them short Rodes I hear that
he is not more than 7 feet and he has left
f[o]r the war but you mu[s]t not guet
out of hart for that is the fate of ware
Miss Lisey Henderson is still single and
ancious for your reterns and is looking
well rether pale but I suppos that is on
the account of your absence
well Boyes your Aunt Martha ses
that when you all retern home that she
will give you a big Diner and ask all
the Galls so make hast and guet home
and les have big frolick
you will pleas excuse this simple letter
as I have nothen [???] wood interrest you
[page 2]
Dexter ses that he is all most twelve years
old an that he can fite the yankes now
and wants a bouee knife
you must tell Dave B to wright to us give
our love to all the boye & receve a reseanable
potion for your Self
I must close so good night
S B Hutchings
PS my adress Greenvile S C
Biunavista Po