

N C Hawood County the 13
Dear William we are as well
as comin and hope these few
lines may find yuu all well
i have nothing very Strange
to rite at presant only we hav
e had a heepe of rain this sprin
g so fare and we Can hardly
get to plow any at tall we
want to plant Corn in a
weak or too from now if we Can
betwixt thee Showers it is rainin
g now the reson i have not
rote be fore now Mother has
bin sick and she died the
8 of this month i never knew
the loss of a mother be fore but
mi loss is her eternal gain
so i morn not as those that has
no hope william i sopose yore
girl has Gone back to houmeny [1]
She has got tierd if doing with out
[page 2]
hominey i recon i think
She wold like to have william
a while i think the girls
all wold like to see the boies
william i for got i saw
one of yore girls when i was
at greenvill she lives in town
She is as prity as ever william
i liked to for got to tell
yoe Sarah C has gown
to new barn i unaerstand [2]
they are a fiting there a weak
a go from now i have not
herd from there Carectly yet
thoe from what i herd i think
our boies will give them a
nuf before they [git?] them
i heard from tenasee and
i supose they have given the
yankes anuf over there they
have Cleared the masipia valey
at least so it loks like
we are gaining ground some now
[page 3]
i heard yore boies had
a fite at sevaner too there
will be a grate dal of
fiting this spring i beleave
from what i Can learn
there has a bout one hundr
ed and eight volenters gawn
from hawood in a wak or too
back so they are still going
they are still making up ar
tillery company in buncom [3]
yet for the french Broud
to keepe the yankes from
ashville thoe i dont be
leave they will ever Come
there for i dont think
they will let them git there
for they will have balls and
pouder to Contend with first
So no more at presant but
remaines yores as ever rite soon
D. B. Hall

  1. Hominy Creek
  2. New Bern, in eastern North Carolina
  3. Buncombe County, North Carolina
April 13, 1862


Residence (County): 
Haywood County, NC


Co. A (later Co. H), 3rd Battalion, Palmetto Light Artillery
Second Lieutenant
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC


From State: 
North Carolina
From County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
March, 2013
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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