Johnsons Isleland Oct the 20th 1863
Dear wife & children it is with pleasure that I a vail My Self of
the present opportunity of droping you a few lines to let you know
that I am well at present hopeing those few lines will find you all
enjoying the Same blessing from the giver of all good I am Still in prison
yet & I expect we will have to Stay here this winter for I do not think
there will be an Exchange a greed upon Shortly capt. Coldwell got
a letter from his brother Tom the other day that Stated that
he had heard from you a few days a go & you was well which
I was glad to here from you the first word I have heard from you Since
I was captured he allso Stated that T. was with the Regment & had
written to you to let you know where I was. I have been looking
for a letter from you for Some time but in vain for I have
not received one from you Since I have been in prison
this is the 4th one I have wrote to you you can not imagin
how anxious I am to here from you. for I am verry lonesome here
for there is but 2 men here that I ever Saw before I want you
to keep wrightting to Me & mabe Some of the letters will
git threw they are gitting letters threw ever day direct
your letter thus W. T. Bishop prisoner of war
Johnsons Isleland near Sandusky Cty Ohio, by way of
Sitty point by flag of truce boat I will inclose a stamp
here for you to put on a letter put it on & a confederate Stamp
& I think it will come threw I allso Send you a ring that I
have mad for you which I want you to weare in Rememberance
of Me an Interest in your preares for the prears of the righteous
preventeth much I remain your affectnet W. T. Bishop
husband until death to S. A. A Bishop