

April the 8. 1864
Camp Maurra
Neair Polards Ala Deair Wife
I am happy to say to you in this Letter
thate I recevide this Day your kinde
and affectionatte Dated the 3 of this instant [1]
which was moste thankefully receivd
and I do simpathise with you in all your trou
bles and Distresses, But do rejoise ate
your success and all the [blessings?] that
May add to your well fair
I do hope thate your fine Sone will
add to your Comferte and happiness
I Can not tell what I would not be willing
to sacrefise to be with you
But I am bound and all my libbertys
take a way from me Bute I do truste
to god that the time will soon Come
when i Can return to you and pease
May a bound threw oute our Lande
all is quiett heair and all seeames to
be in fine Spirits
I have no nuse Mour than I have all ready
Rote wee have a Bundance of rain and
Cloudy weather
[page 2]
2 page
I thinke that wee will stay heair
soom time as they still keeape bildeing
heair,, Deair wife there is seaveral that
has gote furlows scence wee have Come heair
But there is Seo Manny of the olde troupes
that has never bin home that I hav but
litle hope of giteing one before they
play oute and should they Continue to
Give them oute it would be nearily
Cristemas be four i Can gite one
and for this reasson, I do wante you
to Come you need not feair anny
Danger when you gite to Montegomary
you will hav to gite a [??] pasporte to come
down own the train, and when you Com
prepair your scelf with Monney to
bair your Exspences heair and backe
as i spent all my Monney when i
was scicke and wee will not draw and
a Montt[???] yeate our Monney is so Little
a Counte they hav aranged it for us
to Miss this drawing and draw for
4 Monthes when the new ishue Comes
[page 3]
3 page
and I wante you to wrighte to me
when you can Com and i will Meete
you at pollarde the train Leaves
Montegomary at 2 oclock in the
Evening and gits to pollarde 2 oclock
in the nighte the fair forom
Montegomary to pollarde is 10 Dollars
I do thinke the olde Man mighte
Com with you Bude Could plow
for him while he is gown
Bute My Dear Belovede
Wife do not Lete this keepe you
from coming as i never Can Enjoy
My Scelf anny Mour in life
with oute seeing you and you
need not apprehende anny dangeor
there is wimin that comes from
georgia heair to see their hus
bands and if you Come bringe
my Close for thes i draw is
so Little that I cante wair them
and they ar not worth boxing
up and payin fraite own them
[page 4]
you rote to no whither i had got
arry Letter from Mary or not I receivd
one from hir a boute the time i was
taken scicke
My Deair Belovid Lydda My
own Devote wife My health is
not good I am verry feable and
I improve verry slowely But i hope
this will come to you and you may
Enjoy the beste of health wrighte
as soon as you gite this
I am Ever your Loveinge husbande
untill Death B Wright
to Mrs Lydda wright his Devd
wife I wante you to wrigh
whither you got the Colmbes [2]
and ringes or note
Mrs Wrighte I thinke
you would Do well to
Come and see your Hus
band Sta[r]teing is the largest
parte of the Jobe there is
no dangear in your coming a
lone to your scelf you will be
protected own the train I give
you my respects T Tucker

[added upside down at top of page]
When this you see think

[written sideways at top of page] you
the [acy?]
of this
as i
a Dis

  1. instant = day of the present month
  2. combs
April 8, 1864


Co. C, 29th Alabama Infantry
Residence (County): 
Tallapoosa County, AL
Co. C, 29th Alabama Infantry


Residence (County): 
Tallapoosa County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Maurra


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
July, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2013

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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