

Charokee.ala. March. the. 16.
er brother
I Seat my self this morning to
in form you that i am in good
health at this time and hoping
that those few lins Will reach
you in the same health well Starling
i heard that J.N. was dedd
i was sorrow to herar it it has
greve me vary much i heard
that Steve and Gorge had gon
back with Cap willimsom
som of our boys met parry
hasard on the way home.
with him or bill burgus
and i Can not tell witch
well tobe i have bin a traveling
for the last .30. days we have
road don our horsis i have
swap horses 3 times Since i
[page 2]
left home i have got a good
yong mar.4 years old wee takan
the boat at Mont and went
to Selmer and then wee takan
the cars Montivallars whitch
was .65. mils and then wee takin
it on hors back whitch was .8.
days travil to flarence and then
wee Stad one day and then wee
went a way in tensee they is
lots of uniion men in tenesee
and wee give them hell wee
Came back to flarnce in a
boat.10.days and then wee Come
ovr the rivvr and then wee went
in to missipia to East port
and wee went to Iuka and then
wee went back to East port
and then wee Came back to
Charokee witch is our head
quarters and wee did not
Stay but one night
[page 3]
And then wee went to
the pork hous and wee
Prest wagon to hall it a
way and then wee Came
[back?] to Charokee tell
Mrs boon that Charley
is well at this time the yankes
is a Charginge up and the
river with the gun boats
but is doing no ha[r]m but
they burnt a brige a Cross
the river Som of our boys got
a Crack at them and kill .11.
of them tke good Cur of m[ary?]
well tobe i will Close
by saying right as soon
as you git this letter Direct
yor leters to Charokee. PO
Ala. franling Co. ala [1]
to B.F. thrower
Privat in the .l. ala Calv
J.F. Gains C[o P?] Clanton [2]

  1. Franklin County, Alabama
  2. Col. James H. Clanton was commander of the 1st AL Cavalry
March 16, 1862


Residence (County): 
Lowndes County, AL


Co. I, 59th Alabama Infantry
Residence (County): 
Lowndes County, AL


From State: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Casey White
Transcription Date: 
February, 2009
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2009

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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