

May 29 1864

Camp 33 Dear Wife I am
still well Will is better than he
has bin LW is well on friday 24
27 wee went through as hard a fight
as wee have ever had and I am still
spaird and numberd a mong the
living our loss was heavy our com
piny got 2 kild and 5 wounded sevrel
struck with bullits that is not dis
abled J D Brett and George Cotten
is kild non wounded that you no
wee air out a reasting at this time
wee got a good many of our men
kild but I never have seen the
like of yankeys that was kild in
one place I could of walked 2 or 3
hunderd yards on the bodys of the
ded yanks this I seen with my one eyes
I was in 50 yards of them wee
helt the battle field and beuried
our ded and carried out our wounded
[upside down at bottom of page]
send me some paper and envelops this my last paper
[page 2]
May 30 since yeasterday wee have moved
to miles they fought all night last
night last night and every thing is
still to day the left end of
our regt and some cavrley run 3 hunderd
yds through a field and broke there
line but wee had to git back on the
back on the line our regt suferd worse
than any one in the division Will was
not in the fight he has an ax and when
I seen that wee was a going to fight I
told him to fall out and take the
best cear of him self that he could
so I did not see him in to days he
has come up ses he faird verry well
wee have built a heap of brest works
since I have bin here and has fought
behinde a heepe of them and never lost
but too men kild an 11 wounden till last
friday wee have got a plenty to eat
I must close I thank God that I am spaird
this fair and do hope he will continue to
protect us all your Husband TT Bigbie
dont wait to here where I am before you right

May 29, 1864


Co. G, 33rd Alabama Infantry
Private, Sergeant
Residence (County): 
Dale County, AL


Residence (County): 
Dale County, AL


To State: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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