

Marietta Ga July 1 “1864
Dear Wife God has spaird me to rite
you once more I am in verry good helth
at this time on thursday 23 of this month I
got slightly wounded a bullet strickeing
me on the ankle it will be well in a few
days I am at Marietta at this time and is a
fairing verry well I shall go to my Co in
a few days I have bin going a bought all
of the time but my foot is to sore to
wair my shou so I am a gitting a little rest
I will tell you some thing a bought
our fair since I come back here I have
[????????] fights and [???????????] [1]
mity well I have ritting you the particurlers
since I have rote to you Dick Miller was
kild John Branan wounded Will has gon
to the hospital I have not heard from
him since he left he was not worse off
when he left than he had bin for a
long time but it loocked like he could
not git well here I think he will git
a furlough to go home they air furlouing
a grate many sick and wounded I am in hops
he will git home a while LW has got back
well he went to Mongomery Ala my wound was
not bad a nuf for me to git a furlough I
am truly glad that it is no worse than it was
it is all most increttibul to tell how wee
have kild and slaurterd the yanks and
still their seems to be fight in theme
wee have got them drove back and they
as though they dreded it now I beleive
that wee air bound to whip them in
this fight though wee have fell
back and lost a good deal of ground
[page 2]
their is a rite smart of sickness
in our army at this time their has
bin so much rain and bad wether
wee have mity pirty wether at this time
I have don more and seen more since I
left home of hard solguring than I
did in the two years before this is the
way to winde up the ware and I wish
how soon it may be if sherman will
push as hard on us for the next 2 monts
as he has the past tow I think that wee
will winde him up O that this cruel
ware could end and wee could all git hom
[????????] house with our loved[????] [2]
I think of you oftin and pray earnstly
that it may be my happy lot to git home
a gain in pease I have ritting severl
letters to you to Margaret to pa
Nancy and your Gran pa and I have
not got the scrach of a pen from any
of them yeat they shurly right I
cant beleive but what some of them
will rite I have bin looking verry
impachant for a letter from you I
have not heard from you since Wesley left
my best love to your pa and Mother
tell them when I rite I rite to all
tell uncle [Jamy?] Davis James was well
a fee days a go so I will come to a close
for this time I have bin pesterd to
to git paper to rite on for some time
and have not got any more yeat but wee
git a plenty to eat nothing more
reremember me and pray for me
oftin I am as ever your Husband
till Deth T T Bigbie
M J Bigbie

  1. most of line obscured by fold
  2. rest of line obscured by fold
July 1, 1864


Co. G, 33rd Alabama Infantry
Private, Sergeant
Residence (County): 
Dale County, AL


Residence (County): 
Dale County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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