

Albany Ky Oct 1 the 1862
Dear Father
I seat my self to rite
you a few lines to let you
know that I am Well and
Well sadisfied and I hope you
All in the sam health I dont
know how long we will stay
hear But not long for provision
is scearce we hav all we get
we hav it to press
My horse stood
the trip tolerable Well and he
is now mending Like a Pig
I dont think I will trade
him we are Expectin to Be
attacted By the yankey ther is
too hundred of them in 7 mile
of get from 1 to 3 evrry day
and the talk is we will
hang some of them Hang
I dont care Father this
is the worst chance to rite
out here in the world for
I am seting on the ground
and I am riting on my knee
[page 2]
and the Boy are
hollowing Round like
woolves and the Fidles
is playing and the guns
are firing Round here
I think I we hav a good
Capt he holes up for his
men T B Gartt Will
tell you more than I can
rite so nothing more onley
I remain your son till Death
J. P. Rogers

P.S. we was on the march
Eleven dayes rite if you hav
the chance J P Rogers To his Father

October 1, 1862


Residence (County): 
Dekalb County, AL


Residence (County): 
Dekalb County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
May, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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