June 26 [1]
Ala Mobile Co June the 26 day 1862
Dear frend I this day tak my pen in hand to let
You no that I am well at the present time
hoping those few lines may come to hand and
finds You all well but I am truly Sorrow
to inform You that George dide to day I waited
on him the best i could I don all for him
that lay in my power he was don as well
by hear as if he had a bin at home he left
behind a bright testimony that he was
a going to heaven he poofest religion and
was babtiesd a bout a week before he dide it
was what we caul sprinkling I believe
that George is gon to rest and i wont us
all to meet him thare mee and W.S.Poe
tride to get to cary him home but tha wouldent
let us You must bare it the best ou can
I am a Going To camps to morrow Sho this
letter to father and mother. i cant rite mutch
now it was the new money that killed him
So no more at this time but remaince Yours
frend tell death R.J. Amerson to Mr
James poe and family
tell father and mother that I am well
at this time
- This is the first letter to the family that informs them of the death of George W. Poe.