

Camp Ricoure near Tynervill Sept 15
Dear Mary
As I did not write you last week I
Supos it is time I was writing or Mother
will be oneasy about me and Niel [1]
we are boath mending I have never
been down sick since I have been here tho
I was verry puny for afew days Niel
has mended as fast any body could Since I
wrote to you befor and I think we will
continue to mend for we get milk and butter
& beans to eat So you See we are liven on
the best here and I donot know when
we will go too the Regt but I think
we will Stay here til our Regt gets
Station and they fix up the R. R. bridge
between here and there for if we was to go
now we would have to walk that
I would not like to do unless there was
more danger of thier geting in to afite
then there is for I dont think that
Gen Brag wants to fight much for he
Stade here two weeks and Gen. Bual was
in 15 miles of here and he ought to have
taken him prisner or cut his army to
peases put he did not make an effert
[page 2]
to do eather till Bual began to retreat
then he put after him but I have now
ide he will ever over take him
We got the letter you Sent us by Edem
but not the butter he went on to the
Regt and Sent us the letter by mail
We got a letter from make yesterday Stating
that Scot had gone home on a farlough
I was glad to hear it for I know Mother
wanted to See him verry bad
All our sick here is mending
I will close
Daniel Gillis

  1. Sgt. Neil Gillis of Co. F, 39th AL Inf.
September 15, 1862


Co. F, 39th Alabama Infantry
Residence (County): 
Pike County, AL


Residence (County): 
Pike County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Recovery near Tyner, Tennessee

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allen VanNess
Transcription Date: 
May, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
May, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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