

December 3 1862

mey Deare wif i receved youers of the 21
and was hapey to hear that you was better and
was glad to hear that Jonney was well but
i am sorrey that he wont stay at home and
i want you to tri and gite home and ceep him
tel him that if he Dont stay that i will
bind him out when i com hom that i will
giv him a hansom presant i am well at
presant i dont thing that i hav ben as well
in fiv yeares you right that i left you to
Starv i cold see nothing bute starvation whein
i left home and how i cood hav got monney
to beuy corn or solt i sent the monney to mak
yo cumfer table and i want you to make youse
of it you say that if pese was maid that i wood
not com home but god nose that mey thought
is all the time nighte and Day a bought you
and the rest of them i longe to se you and
caladona if i coold a sene enney other way to
hav lived i never hav com in the armey but
if it shold plese god to let mee git hom agane
i hop that i shal bee able to live at hom and
never leiv enney more i hav trid the Capten evrey
weke sence i hav bin heare for a furlow but i cant
gite yet but i hope that i shal bee able to git one
in the cors of four or fiv wekes thear is men here
that has ben here twelve months and cant get
a furlow but hese prommes one as soon as hee
[page 2]
Can and note gite the Compney mad
with him i want you to giv mey Complamentes
to all in quaring frendes and tel them that
i shold be glad to see them all but the [??]in of
chainges all things giv mey complementes to
Caladona and tel hur that she must take good
care of you and she she shal note lose enney thing
bey hur laber for i intend sattisfing hur for
hur truble i must come to a close fore well i re
maine youer afectionate husband untell death
S L Fuller
I must right a few mor lines i can git salt
for twenty five dollrs a hundrid and it to
west port if you cood gite it from thare if enney
one is goin Down thar goe to Bengiman Croft and
in quare from me and you will git for i
will send it right a way and that is all the
way that i now how to doo so fare you well
a gane S L Fuller

December 3, 1862


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2013
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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