January 1 1863
Mey Deare wif i wonce more take
mey pen in hand to in form you that
i am well at this time nd ihope these
few lines will find you in joyinge
the same blesing i recived youer
letter and you was kind a nought to
tel me that you wod not right me
letters til you gote one from mee if
it is a ganst youer will to right
to me dont righte nomore for thare
has not ben a weak but i hav rought
a letter and sume weakes i hav rought
two but John must hav takin them
out of the offis and got sum bodday
to hav red them but i hav sent mey
letters from this on two detta and
then may bee he will not find them our
i hav ben verey bad off with the
sore throt but i have got over it
giv mey respectses dewife to caladona
and all enquareing frend if i hav
enney for if everey boddey was as
lonsome as i am it wood bee a lonssom
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world for i dont feil as tho
i had one frend in the world i wood
lik to hare from John and noe what
he is doo ing from all a countes he
ia adooing nothing i cant right
mey mind is tore to pecis i am in hopes
that i shal git a chance to com hom bee for
long So fare well mey dere wif and
may god bless you i must come
to a close S L Fuller