

Febuarey 1 1863
            My Dere wife i sete
my Selfe wonse more to right you
a fuw lines to let you noe how i am
a gitting a longe and what we ar
a bout we ar now thre miles from
savanna and the fight has Juste
commenst a bought ten miles from
here and the cannon is a thundring
at a desperrate we ar all reddey for
to start for the feild of action and
god noes hoo will com safe back but
i put my trust in him thate
maid all thinges and i hop that he
will bring me oute saf tha hav
ben firinge all day and it is not
a verey plesant sound i canin
shure you tha a tackid ouer worke
last weke but tha maid nothing ofit
and had to go back not as tha cum
but badley cripped and i hope and
trust that tha will mete the saim
to dey for we fel confident that
we cin whip them ouer boys is
in good hart and we think that
thay cant stand us long but
god noes the fait of ware and
[page 2]
we must put ouer trust in
him and now my Dere wife if
i am cile i want you to send to
captin craft and git thim obli
gations i hole a ganst Johnson
and git the monney and make
youse of it or as mutch as you
want and if thar is enney left
sid ney cumes back tri and git
him to stay with you i think that
when you git a quainted with
him he will sut you well but
if thar is enney monney to spare
give it to him and John and tell thim
to make good use of it it is the last
that thar poore farther will ever
giv them and that it cost him his
life but i hop that i[t] will not
be the case for i hop to cum hom
safe i want you to right as soon
as you gite this letter and let
me noe how you ar a gitting
a long Captin Craft lives in Culumbus
and if enney thing happins you
can send thar and git thim papers
for i wish that you had them
[page 3]
for i am a fraid that sumthing
may hapin to them so i must com
to a close and bid you fare well wons
mor and may god bless you and
caladona and protect you from
all harm so fare you well a gane
my Der wife S L Fuller tel
Mr war not to fail to go and git John
for i fele as tho i cant stay here mutch
longer if i dont her that he is back
home tel him that he shant hav
one cent if he Dont com back and
stay till i com hom and if he Dose
stay i will Devid what i have be twen
him and sidney i dont no what to doo
with him i must com to a close so
fare you well a gane my loving
wife S L Fuller

February 1, 1863


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


From State: 
From Note: 
Near Savannah, Georgia

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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    University of Georgia
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