

febwary 24th 1863
O my dear husband I agan tak up my willing
pen to drop you afew lines to let you no that we
are all well and do hope that those few lines ma
find you well O my dear you do not no how uneasey
I was when I got the letter from you dated febua
the 1 how I did not get one untell the 10 and
I was all most destracted for feare you
was killed Mr fuller you dont no how uneasey
I am about you for I never go to bed but I
think and pitty you being on the cold ground
and not apillar to put under your pour old
head and I do not no wheather you have enny
to cuver with or not I got two leters yesterday
dated jannuary 29 and the othir Febwary
the 16 O I was so glad to here from you for I
had got 2 that you had hurt your self
and now my dear I want you to take
better care of your selfe and dont expose
your self for my sake as well as your one
for my deare I feele that if it pleas
god to spare your life and you get home
agan it dont matter how pore we are
I could bee happy I wrote to you that I
got the paper and was thank you much
for it and if you can send me some stamps
[page 2]
for I cant git change to put letter in the
office with for I wont tak the shinplasters
for you no that thea will soon all bee dead
I think if you ever get home wee will live
happy the balance of hour lives I bought one
100 and 40 5 pound of porke from joseph ables [1]
at 25 senc pur pound I have bought 6 dollars
sault 1 pound at 1 dollar and the rest at 33
sence pur pound corn is worth 2 and 50 sence
purbushel and none to sell at that I went
to see your mair and I am well pleas shee
looks as well as she did when I let him have
and do not think it would bee advissable
to have her to have acolte tell you come home
for I dont no wheather I can get enny boddy
to tendit for ables is a waitting on his mothe
and if shee can tend hur he will tend
mine caldonia ses tell you that she thinks
that it will li Idle if shee dont tendit
and shee want you to make hast home
and help her for you must come home
for I think some times I will come to
you and whare you live I will stay
Mr fuller I have made all enquireing
about John and wee herd that he was
oxford and ware went thare and could
[page 3]
not her not one word of him nor see no on
that new enny such aboy and he ses that
maby he may her ov him now cote has cormence [2]
and he will do all he can to get him I have got
[F?] ables to inquire for him and you no that
I will do enny that I can for your sattes faction
and I will no that john is [aly?] that not bee let strou[l?]
about I dun all I could to make him do right but
my health had uv bin good I wood uv afolled
him up and made him astad at home but he
had deturmed not to s[t]ay here before you went
away he sed all the summer that he in tined to
leeve you william ware has bin to see his boys
saw your boys sed sidney was doing very well
Phillip had the best maire in the compiney and
arole of money as large as his arm and was
both well caldonia wants to no if you will
let her have that largest safe frome and
whot you will charge her for it and she will get
ables to finnis[h] it for her factory is from 8 to
10 dolar abuch here my cows is vary porely
but I make some buter yet and I wishs every
time that I churn that you had the butter
for Mr fuller I live had but I would be
sattis fide with it if you was here to share
my fate with me but I cant never live
[page 4]
to see this cruel ware end we got aleter
george meders and pour fellow he has bin trying
to get fagan to go and take his p[l]ace but fagan
wont go for 2 thousson dollars for go kinnada
offered him that to take jims place I hav
no taulk of enny one coming home on afurlow
but Mr fuller you do not no how
I was disapointed when I got that letter
I so much that march would bring you
home but O you now speake of looking for
battle O when shall I look over to se you
agan O hau cruel fat will thow never
revele me in amansion of bliss whar no
paril can [schase?] me you must not think
of me for not wrighting fr I cant wrte
when the weathe is cold it is not be cause
do not wish to wright fore if my hand
would hold out I would write all day
I in tend to wright to sidney to morow
so fare you well let me here from
you soon for I shant rest night nor
day untell I here from you agan
if you new my feelings when I expect
afight you would pitty me a due my
love I am your un happy wife
Elizabeth I Fuller

  1. 145 pounds
  2. cote = court
February 24, 1863


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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    University of Georgia
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