March 9 1863 my Dere wife i sete mey
down to inform you that i am well at this
time and i am in hopes that these few lines
will find you inJoing the same blesings
i recived yours of the 24 of Febuarey and
ite giv me grate pleser to hear that you was
well for it has ben a long time sinc i got
one from you thate i got so unnesa that i rought
one to mister ware and i hav gote no anser from
him yet but i am still in hopes that i shold
git one soon yesterday i gote one from
sidney and it gav me grat sattis faction to
here from him but it greved me to her that
he has note got halfe a nuf to eight pore boye
i am a fear that it has not cum to the worst
yet for the hole of the arme is in the sam fix
for if we did not buey and pay ten pieces
we shold perrish ouer grat battle is ouer for
this tim but i dont no when tha will trie
it agane but it wont be longe but we are
able to whip them when evrey tha cum but
i am in hopes that the fiting is over for this time
but god noes whether it or not but i think that
it cant last mutch longer for whar provisions
is to cum from god onley noes for i doo not
noe i think that i shal git a chance to git a chance
to i cum home before long but i cant tel for thare
so mutch contraness that thare is no teling
when i shal git a chance but as soon as i can
i intend to cum for i doo want to com hom as
son as posable but my der i want you to doo
the best you can and ceepe up good curage
and dont giv up but tak car of your self
and calddona god bles hur if she wants
that safe tel hur to tak it for i dont think
that i shal ever mak youse of it and if i
should it maks no diffrens for i wood
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giv hur enney thing that i hav in this world if
it wood mak hur happey for poor creter she has
a hard time of it but iam in hopes that gorge
will com hom befur long tel hur that she must
ceep up good currege and not giv up for all things
will work for the best i want to send that not
hom but i am afrad to doo it i hav got it
in an [??]ment this thre or four wekes and i am
afraid to send it for fere that it will git
lost i dont want to loose it for it wood brake
us up i think that i will git a chance to
cum home be fore longe and then i will bring
it my selfe so now my der fare you well
for this tim giv my complementtes to [mr?]
A[???] and tel him howdey for me and to all
in quaring frends so fare you well my dere
wife i think Johnny has gone up to Jackson
vill or to [?????] to his unkels but god noes
whar he has gon i wood giv all that i have if
i coold se him but i am a fraid that i never
shal se him a gane but it will onley helpe
to hope rathe upon mey pore old hed and mak
mey to [???] more [????] but i will hav
[??????] is well as i am but it semes th[??]
i coold not bare up and [??] them for at greves
me all most to deth but why shold i grev
for i cant helpe it so fare you well my der
S L Fuller
my der thar is wone thing that i forgot
to tel you that is that i have had the itch vere
bad but i hav got over it but it cose me right
smart ouer company all had it for tha ar the
[iicths?] men that i ever see in all mi life so fare you [1]
well my dere
S L Fuller
- itchiest?