Richmon Va. Chimborazo Hospitle Sept 28th /62
Dear Judia I received your letter of the 17 inst on the 25 which I was glad
to see and to here that you all was well it found me on the foot. I am not as stout
as common yet But I hope that I will gain my stregnth after awhile I wrote to
you in my last letter that I thaught that I wold start to my reg. in 3 or 4 days
But I have not gon yet from the fact that I thought I could not stand to
march 80 or 100 miles. But I think that I will start in the morning I do not
know whether I can stand it or not. if I knew that Bud wold com back at
the end of his furlough and wold com and lit me know when he got
here I wold wait and go with him. But I do not know what to do for the best
But I had rather wait and go with him if I knew he wold come back at
thet end of his furlough I wold liked to received aletter from him to know
how he is. you said in your letter that you wanted me to come home if
could. I can say that I wold come if they was any chance to do so But
there is non now for I am not sick enough to get afurlough and hardely
well enough to do hard marching. if I could get to com you aught to see me
comming as fast as the old car could carry me. I wold like to see you and the
children verrey much I wold like to se minourie sliding about with her
fat self. black hair and John stealing her play things from her
to here her quarling at him. I immagin that I can see him fuddling
about in his mischief laughing and see you and him feeding your chickings
I Dreamed last knight that I was at home or nearly there and I met up with
Jet and asked him to go home with me and help me eat fride chicking
and he said you had none that you had sold out and I thought that I
got home and found you all well but do not know any thing now about the
fride chicking but I thought you had dug about half of the irish potatos
I want you to write how many you made they sell here for 25 cents a qt. and
onions the same and every thing elce in popsion. But that is not the onley
time that I dreamed of you it is amost every knight. But I feel like that I
will come home sum of those days with peace on my shoulders and can
stay there with you. But it is a pretty dark time now to think of peace
but it said that the darkest hours is just before day. you asked me how far I
was from hanover when I was sent back Bud can tell you all about it which
I think he has. I have all my cloths and I have got my blanket with me
and I recon the others are with the redgiment I have got as much as I can
march with. I fare tolrably well. we do not get too plenty to eat all of the
time But we do verrey well I hope I may all ways do as well you need not
think that because I am in the hospittle that I am sufferring I am not
flattering of you. Judia I told you that I wold not flatter you and I
still say so. I am in hops that Bud has relieved your feeling a grate
deal. Judia I do not think that I can get a chance to come home in sum
time But I expect to try to com home about chrismass if not sooner so I
want you to contint your self as much as you can and do not get to
thinking that I aught to com home I do not say this becaise I do not
want to come home now do not want you to write to me about coming
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home. But it is because I want you to pick up a big heart and do not
take more to hea[r]t than you can kick off at your heels. I confess that I
can not help getting home sick once an a while but I am going to
against it all that I can for I believe that it is a bad diseas to have I am
going to kick off all that I can. I have hard sence I have ben writing that I will
hav to march 130 mile to get to the army. I have not herd from our companey sence
I left it But I herd that genereal McClaws division was in the fight
Judia I do not wont you to think that you will werrey me with your lony letter
for if you do I recon I may think that I wearrey your pations with mine
for I think that I beat you all to peaces in long letters. and I try to interest
you all that I posibly can. but I do not think that my letters will be
wearrisom to you so pitch in and see if you can beat mine it is true that
I have not much of importance to write you. But I will do the best I can for
We all have a bad chance to write here for they are talking around us all the
time and it is hard to ceap our mines on what we are doing I want
you to tell Jet to write to me and Ma and tell all of my friends to write
to me and when I write to you why I expct it to do for all of you and what
to you I write Ma and the rest of my relations and I wold like to here that
Ma had got John J. Weaver to come there and live if they could agree I think
it wold be much better and when you write to me blease write how Ma and you
is getting along. and write how James and John is and where they are for I can not
here any thing hardley from any boddey unless I git it from home
and write all the generral news and what they think of this extenson of
the conscription act. and what they are doing. I will leave the hospittle this
morning the 29th But will not get off from Richmon untill in the
morning. I feel pretty stout this morning Judia I want you to write to
me one a weeak I expect to write every weeak I do not know how
it will bee for the comming weak. But I will write to you as soon
as I can. I have writen about all that I can think off that wold
interest you. I desire the and intrus in your prayrs mabe if God
will not here mine that he will sum of yours I wish I cold bee
there to go to old Massadonia with you all. I will close my letter
for this time. give my bes love and respects to all my inquiring
frind and receiv a double posion to your self ciss John and Minouis
for me. S Good by Diret your letters to the redgiment
W A. Pace