Lynchburg Langhorne Hospital Jan. 19. 1863
Dear Jundia I am in Lanhorne Hospital in Lynchburg
I got heare last knight I am up and about. I am
just in a low state of health. the Doctors say that my
Liver is affected & kidneys I left the redg the 15 inst
and they had marching orders. and to cook up 3 days
rations I have no idiar of the move ment. I was not able
to march and they sent me off all of our neighbour
boys are well Judia I have nothing hardley to write you
I want you to excuse my short letter. I have not received
any letter from you sence I received yours of the
21 Dec I am verrey ancious to heare from you
I want you to give me the news in genral and write
what they are doing with the Conscrips and Discharged
men and what jemes weaver is doing that he can not write to
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me and tell him to com by heare an see me and
if he will bring my hat tell him to tak ceare of it for
me if he cannot see me rite away I have got verrey
good cap. if I new that you had not heard from me in
as long atime as I have not herd from you I wold write
you a long letter but I am in hops that you have got all of
mine. Judia I wold like to see you and the babyes But
it is a bad chance I pray that you will be with you
comfort you in all of your tryals an tribulations give
my relation all my respects an tell them to write to me
give my love to Jo Herring. So nothing more at presant
Direct your letters to Lynchburg Va Langehorne Hospital