

Goldesboro NC
June 1st 1862
Mrs. Catharine Lefevers
& childrean I seat my self onst more but
under unfaverable circumstances to drope you a
a few lines to lette you now that I am still
Porely I am now in the hospital under the Doctor
I can not say how long I will haftew stay hear
I can say to you that the attention I get hear is tolerable
good in the way of a bead to ly on and Iam wated
own tolerable well but the worst of all I cant
get enny thing that is fit to eat I could hardly
eat it if I was well and hungry I think if
I had you to fix me something I would get better in
a few Days but god only nows when you will
have that chance Dear wife inow you will
want to now what is the matter with mee I
first taken the Boulcomplaint and then it
turned to the Flux and then I taken the mumps
and cold but that is a little better only I have
a very sevear coff yet and soreness own my breast
I can say to you that I was Brot to the hospital
last fry day morning and 10 or 12 more besides
me but non from a bout my Neighborhood
[page 2]
Dear and every loving wife I can Say to you
that I have got Two letters from your handes last
weak and I was trewly glad to hear that you and
the little childrean was all well but I was very
sorrow to hear that Pinkney Rockette was Dead for
I now it nearly kild you pore sistter Aan as
she had to give the only child up she had enny
more I want you to take the childrean and go
and see them when ever you can as it will
help pass off the time My Dear wife cant rite
much more at this time for i am sow weak that
I have to rite a while and then ly down and rest
a while Dear wife I want you to rite me
a letter as soon as you Receve this and lette
me now how you all air Direct you letter
the Christian Pallas Hospital In cear of Dr
Moore Goldesboro A few more lines and then
I must come a close I say to you that the com
pany left goldesboro yesturday Morning they left
for Peters burge Va it is a bout 143 Miles
from golesboro to Petersburge and as quick as
we get able to travel we will go their too
our capton is also sick and in the Hotell
but he is better they say this morning
[page 3]
I most now come to a close for this time by
asking you to Rite to me as soon as you get
theas few lines you had better get Henry
to Back it for you you must excuse me
for my bad Riteing for I never tride to
rite when I felt like I do now May
the God of all murces smile upon you
and our dear little childrean Sow nothing more
at present only I do promise to bee your
ever and trew Husband untell Death
Please give the childrean all Howdy for
me I dont now what I would
give if I could See the baby Walk
Sow notheng more Isaac Lefevers
To his offectionate Family

I had for got to tell you that I could
not get the chance of haven my likeness
taken I had bot a case Just a bout the time
I taken sick and then I was not able to tend to
haven it don and when I found that I would
haftew go to the Hospitol I sent it Back to
the man I bot it from but if ever I get well and
can have it don I will do so

June 1, 1862


Name Variant: 
Isaac Lafevers
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell and Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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