[written upside down at top of page]
a few lines to bud you most be a purty boy for
now and mind the Baby while Sis is gon to school
and you most learn your Boock at home for
now and take good cear of mike & Ride him
Camp near aul Swamp Wilderness
New hanover County North Carolina
January 28th 1863 My Henry Rhodes
Dear Brother I do again seat my self to drop you a
few lines to lette you now that I am still In good
health & hope this will safely Reach you & find you all
in the same state of bleasing Dear friend I had rote a letter
to you yesturday the 27th & could not mail it & last eavning
I read a letter from you & Catharine which gave me great
sattesfaction to hear from you one time more & to hear you
was all in good health and a bove all was I glad to hear
that the small pox had not spread enny more I
am in good health hopes that all may Escape them
you can not tell how uneasy I was a bout Catharine
and the childrean I had not got a letter from hur in
6 weaks tell last Eavning Dear Sir I expect we
will stay hear some time we commensed throwing up
breast works hear yesturday If you undertake
to come it will take you one day to get to us from
the Rail Road but you can hire a cart to bring you
[page 2]
But I will not Insist for you to come as
it is a long Road to travail it is the swampiest
country that Ever I saw in all my travails
I most close to you for this time as I most Rite
a little to Catharine yours truly Isaac Lefevers
A few lines to Mrs Catharine Dear
Dear and ever loving Wife I seat my self this
morning to Rite you a few lines to lette you now that
I am still in good health and I hope this may find you &
the childrean all in good health I can say to you that
I [Ricvd?] your Kind letter of the 12th Inst you can not tell
how glad I was to hear from you one time more as it had
bin sow long since I had heard from you Dear and ever
loving wife I had bin complainen at you for not Riten
to me But I do not Expect that it is your falt fore I
now you do not get the half of the letter that I Rite
I hope they letters will [come?] Better hearafter as they do
not have sow fair to go Dear Wife I was glad to hear
that you had such good Hogs to Kill I did not think
they would make such hogs as that I now you made
a heap of good things out of them I would be sow glad if I
could get to come home and get some of them I now you
have a heap of sosedge I hope you will have a chance of
senden me some before long I must close for this time I
will Rite again in a few Days Keep your meat close for
it is sellen at 50 cents a lbs pound hear and Dear at
that I will now clos by asken you to Rite often and
give me all the news your trew Husband untell
Death Isaac Lefevers to Catharine Lefevers