

[written upside down at top of page]
I will leave the letter al together and
one can Read Bothe pleas take this
to Catharine

Potocaligo South Caroline Feb 26th 1863
Mr Henry Rhodes & family Dear Brother It
is with pleasure that I seat my self this morning
to rite you a few lines to lette you now that I am still
well and in good health Dear friend I have nothing
of much Importance to Rite at the present only only
that I am well and hope when this comes to hand
it will find you and family all in the same state
of health Dear sir we air now stationd In
South Carolina Betwixt Charleston & savana
we landed hear own last sunday night we come
Rite threw the sity of Charleston then we taken
the Charleston and savana Railroad and come
to this point we air now in camp at this point
and we air likely to remain at this point some
time as their is now Expecttation of a fight at
this point Dear friend I have Bin anxious to
see you for some time But have neaver had
the oppertunity of Doing sow I think if you
wil do sow you can shorley come and see me
at this plase
[page 2]
[written at top of page]
Direct your letters to Charleston SC
In cear of Col E D Hall 46th Regt NCT
Coocks Bregade the Distance from Charleston
to this place is 65 miles only

If you cant come now you will never have
a better chance this year and If you will come
and you can get a hand to plow for you while you
air comen I will pay the time you loose own
the road it will only take you one weak to come
and gow if you can only stay two days It
will be a great sattisfaction to me and if you
do come I want you to bring me some provision
with you But you had Better get a large trunk
If it can Be had or Bring two the sise of mine
I will not say what you shal Bring only I
want several gallons of Brandy for serten and
I will play you what ever it costs If you can
By 10 or twelve gallons and save it for me I will
pay you for your trouble I can pay ten Dollars
a gallon and then make money own it if you cant
By that much be shore and Bring one two or
three gallons with you I dont want more then that
at onst and save the Balance tell another time
I had rote to Catharine what to send and
She will now what to send for the Best
I want all the Buter & Eggs that she can send
I now she cant send all that I had rote for
In a trunk and that is the only way for serten
that Enny thing can Be got threw you can take
the trunk Back with you I will Close for the
present I most rite a letter to Catharine If you
dont come at all please rite and lettes me
now how you air doing I will close By
saying I remain your trew Brother untell
Death Isaac Lefevers to Henry Rhodes
& family
[page 3]
[written at top of page]
If you come Bring me Some Soap

South Carolina Pocotaligo Station Feb 26 1863
Mrs Catharine Lefevers & children I seat my
self one time more to rite you a few lines to lette
you now that I am well at the present and hope
when this comes to hand it will find you all
well and In good health Dear wife I have
nothing of much Importance to rite at this time
as it has bin only a few Days since I did rite
But since I rote the last letter Whitener has got
back to the Regte and he tolde me that you did
not get the letter I rote to you for I had rote
one to him the same time and he did not
get that letter tell the day he lef newton and
I am glad that you did not get that Box their for
If you had a sent it I mite a lost it all
But I have rote a letter to Henry a gain
and I ask him to come a gain and I am
In hopes that he will come for the distanse
is not farther then it was at Wilmington I
rote to him to come and fetch me something
to Eat and If he Brings me Enney thing I
want him to try and get a large trunk or Els
Bring me two small ones the sise of mine
he can take the trunk Back with him
and he will Be serten to get the trunks
threw a greadeal Better then a Box you can
get a trunk own at enny time when you cant
get a Box own at all Dear wife I rote to him
to Be serten to Bring me a couple of gallons
of Brandy If it could be had at all Dear
wife I will not rite what to send
for I had rote that In my other letters and
you will now what to send as well as
I can tell you send that that you
[page 4]
[written upside down at top of page]
If you do come come rite off Just as quick as you
can get off Bring Catharine along If you can
it will all gow in your life time and you
neaver miss the time

think will be the Best and save the Rest
their is one thing that I want that I did note
Rite for and that is a half galon Jug of sower
Vinegar & hos reddich the Balance I will just mention
only I want all the Eggs & Butter that you can
send Dear wife I should be very glad If you
think you could get enny one to take cear of the
childrean and the other things I will not insist
own you comen without you can get some one
to stay that you Can depend own for times is
very uncerten at this time with the people
If you do come you most Bring the Baby a
lone I should Be very glad to see them all
But I now that you cant Bring them all If
you come I want you to fix your self as good as
you can and the Baby also Dear wife I
will not insist own you comen for I ca[n]t
tell as well how you air situated at home as
you do your self you have every thing to see
two at home and I cant In sist own you comen
with out it suits you But come If you can
for it seames that I cant get the chance to
come my self as long as the war lasts
Henry nead not fear to come own the account
of a Battle But I wont in sist own him comen
If he cant make it suit it may be that
their will Be a chance some time hear after
dear wife I will close for this time By asken
you to rite as Soon as this comes to hand I have
thirty Dollar for you If Henry or your self
comes I drawd thirty four Dollars and I am
saven 30 of it for you and will send it the
first chance please lette me now how the
wheat loocks I will send you one Dollar
in stamps Sow nothing more at present
only remain your loving Husband untell
Death Isaac to Catharine Lefevers & childrean

February 26, 1863


Name Variant: 
Isaac Lafevers
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
South Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
From Potocaligo


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell and Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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