

[written upside down at top of page]
I most close a Bove Sow nothing more at
present only rite soon and lette me now
all the news

Pocotaligo Station South Carolina
March 1st 1863 Mrs Catharine Lefevers
Dear wife I seat my self one time
more to rite you a few lines to lette you
now that I am well at the present and
hope when this Reaches your lovely
hands it may find you and the Dear
little Childrean All in good health Dear
& loving wife I have Rote time after
time and have not received now answer
in three weaks the last letter I got from
you was dated the 8th of Feb and I have
not received now letter Since But I
now it is not your falt Dear wife
the last letter I rote to you was three
or four days a go and I rote In that
letter for you and Henry to come and
See me if you could do Sow and I
thout as I could not get now letter from
you that maby mine would not reach
[page 2]
[written upside down at top of page]
give my love and Best respects
to [J?] F Hutson & family

you and I thout as it was Sunday
and I had the time I would rite you a nother
answer to that for that is the most pleasure
that I see is when I am a riten to you
Dear wife as I rote in the other letter that
their was now chance at tall for me to get
this Spring as furlowing is stoped altogether
and If you cant come to see me their will
Be now chance for us to See Each other at
all this year and probely we may neaver
have the chance to see Each other a gain in
this world I now you will have a bad
chance to leave home But I think If Henry
will come with you that you can get
some one to Kee[p] house tell you can get Back
a gain it will not take you more then
8 days to come and get Back home a gain
and I shorley think that Henry will loose
that much time to come with you hear
I now he is got a heap to do But If
[page 3]
[written upside down at top of page]
Tel Sis and Bud howdy for paw and
Tell them to Be purty childrean

he will come with you I will pay a hand
for work while he is comen their is lotes
of wimen that come hear to See their folks
and If you can make enny arrangements
at all I want you to come and Bring the
Baby or Bud a long I should Be happy to See
them all But I now you cant Bring them all
a long and If the Baby aint weaned Be shore
and bring it a long & Bring it eny how for I want
to see it sow bad and I want you to dress it up
as good as you can & your self two If you
cant stay more than three days it will Be a great
sattesfaction to me I think old ant caty
Hutson will Stay that long for you or Els
old Sisey Hubbard old a[un]t Caty would Be
preferd Before Enny one els I expect your
paw would take cear of Bud & Sis while
you air comen If I could See you one chance
it would do me more good then all the riten
that I could Ever do Dear wife If you do
come I want you to Bring me some thing good
to eat it appears that almost all the
[page 4]
[written upside down at top of page]
your husband untell Death Isaac Lefevers
to Mrs Catharine Lefevers and Childrean

company can get Something from home But
me I had rote in the other letter how to Send
enny thing to eat you had better get a long trunk
If you can get one maby Henry has one that he can
take Bring one small Box and that I can Keep
have Just large a nuff for one man to handle
it And Beshore and Bring me 2 or 3 galons
of Brandy if it can Be had at all I can mak
a nuf own three gallons of licker to pay
your way hear and Back But this part
you can Keep to your Self the way ever thig
Sels I have to try and make something more
then my wages air or I cant maintain you
and the childrean and my Self I am Bound
to spend something to get me something to Eat
for the meat we draw for a day does not make
more then one meal and the most of it is
pore Beef at that and our Bread is all corn
and rise ground up to gether If you come I
want you to Bring me something for a hanker
chief and I should Be glad If you could
send me my hat I will close saying I
will loock for you In the corse of two weaks
from this day for serten If you get to the
station some of the company or Regt will Be
their and you can send me word and I will
mette you their it is a short mile from
the Depo to Camp I will close above If you
cant come rite off please rite and lette me
now when you will come

March 1, 1863


Name Variant: 
Isaac Lafevers
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
South Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell and Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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