Pocotaligo station South Carolina
March 26th 1863 Mrs Catharine Lefevers
Dear wife I seat my self this mor
ning to rite you a few lines to In
form you that By the Bleasing of
the good Lord that I am stil wel at this
time and I trust to the almighty that theas
few lines may safely Reach you and find
you and the dear little Childrean all in
good health Dear wife I have nothing at
al to Rite at is Interresten to you at the present
and I wil Rite But a short letter as it
is Bin But a few days a gow since I Rote
to you and I hope you wil Be serten to get
the letters I Rote to you Dear wife when I
Rote my last letter to you I did not now of
enny one a gowing home frome the company
shortly But since that time the Captons
Brother has bin Detailed to gow home after some
of the con scripts he started this morning I
was not at Camp when he started and
I nowed nothing of his gowing until after he
was gown I was out own gard when he started
and did not get to ta[l]k with him If I
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had a new that he was gowing home I should
a sent you some money with him I stil have
thirty Dollars a saven for you and I hope I wil
Be able to send it to you Before long as
their is some talk of some of the men Round
Newton a comen to see some of the company
shortly and then I wil send it to Newton
Dear wife as I did not get to talk with
Bost when he started I cant say for serten
whether he wil Bring me enny thing or not
But I want you to see friend Hutson and
get him or some other good friend to gow
to Newton and see him and now of him
If he wont Bring me a Trunk of provision
when he starts Back I am amost serten that
he wil Bring it for their wil Be several In
company with him and they can help him
threw with it tel who ever gows over to
Newton to try their Best to get him to
Bring it for me for I tel you we nead
something migtey Bad from home we have
not Drawd a handful of flower since
we left North Carolina we get the worsed
kind of corn meal and some old Blew
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[written upside down at top of page]
Tel Bud and Sis that paw wanted them
to send him an Easter Egg
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Beef and that is some of it Kiled a weak
Before we get it you can gess how we fair
you have a eye dea how Beff is that is kiled this
time a year without it is fattend Dear wife I
wil not say enny thing more a bout the fair
for I would not have you to now how Bad it
is But please send me something to Eat
If you can posable do sow try and get as
larg a Trunk as you can some place and pack
it as full as you posable can I wil not say
what to send for I now that you wil send
me the Best you can there is one thing that
I want for serten If you have it or can get
it at al and that is a gallon of licker lette
it cost what it may I wil send you the money
for it I now it is awful high But I want
one gallon enny how the Trunk I wil send
Back to Newton or If it gets misplaced
or lost I wil pay for it send me that that
you think wil save the Best I think If you
send me some Eggs If they air washed and
dride Rite good you could pack them In
a Box or something with some flower with
them as they has to Be something with them
enny how
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[written upside down at top of page]
until Death shal Bid us depart
Isaac to Catharine Lefevers
& Childrean
No 4
and that way I can get some flower to Bake
me some wheat Bread please send some one
over to Newton as soon as you Receve this
letter as they tolde me that Bost would
only stay 15 Days frome the time he left
it Dose not matter whether Bost is sean
or not If enny one Els is comen to the Regt
that wil Bring it to me I can not tel who
wil come or who wont I wil now come to
a close for this time By asken you to rite
as often as you can make it suit please
lette me now what Aaron is gowing to do
lette me now whether it wil tak Roakette
or Wm Brendel or not and who it wil tak in
our neighborhood maby you can ti a little pk
of flower own top of the Trunk as I now it wil
Be crowded have my name put own it for
serten send me a letter In the Trunk and
Rite what you send If it is locked dont forget
to send the Kee I wil close tel Franklen
Hutson that I wanted him to send me something
good to Eat I send him and his family
howdy I wil close for the present I
Remain your ever trew and loving Husband