

Camp near Oreng Coart
House V.A March 7th 1864
Mrs Catharine Lefevers
Dear wife I Seat my
Self this Eavning to Rite
you a few lines to lette
you no that I am well at
this time and I hope when
this Shal Reach you it may
find you and the Dear little
childrean all well and doing
the Beast you can Dear wife
I have now news to Rite
at present as it has bin
but a few Days Since I rote
a letter to you and Henry
and I had Rote one to you
before Since I got Back I
hope I will Soon hear from
you as I am ancious to
hear from you I have
not hird from you
[page 2]
Since I left home and
I am verry ancious to hear
from you and the Babe
and all the Rest of the childrean
Dear wife I will Send this
letter by sargt Sedney Shuford
and I will Send you a bout
one lb of coffee and a little
poke of Shugar the Shugar
I send Expressly for the
Baby But I want you to
give each of the children
a little tast of it and tell
them that paw sent it to
them sow they Should be
purty children I want you
to make you a little of this
coffee and See whether if
taists like it youstew I just
Send this for your one youse
and when you feal Bad
[page 3]
I think a little of it will help
you I have not tasted it yet
I saved what little I Draud
and Boat Some of the Rest
we Draw a bout 2 Spoonfuls
every 4 Days I will close on
this I will Send the Trunk
the first chance I get Dear
wife our Rations air Quite
little and I am a feard they
wil stil get smaler yet
Should you have the
chance to send me a little
Something onst and a while
please do Sow Should aron
get home he could Bring me
a little Something as we will
be close to geather me and
Fed had Rote for Something
Betwixt us But I do not no
whether you will have the
chance ot Send them or not
[page 4]
I stil have a bout a
half off my meet yet I
am very Saven with it I
will Soon close please Rite
and give me all the news you
can lette me now how you air
on with the work and how
Solly gets a long with the horses
tel him not to lett them fall a
way tel Bud to let me no
how his piggs & little chickens
air Doing and Dont forget
to lett me no how the baby
is getten a long and Do take
good cear of your Self and the
Babe If I Live and you Live I want
you to come and see me Sometime
Betwixt this and fall you see I
most close my paper is very bad
I Remain your loving Husband
untell Death Isaac Lefevers
To Catharine Lefevers

March 7, 1864


Name Variant: 
Isaac Lafevers
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp near Oreng Coart House VA


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell and Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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