

Spotsylvania Coart House
A.N. Va May 20th 1864
Mrs Catharine Lefevers
Dear and much beloved wife and childrean
it is by the Good lordes will that I again
have the good privilage of Riten you a few breef
lines to lette you no that I am stil with the
living and am well at the present more
then I am very much tierd down from the
longe and Sevear fighten that has bin progres
ing for the last 16 Days and stil no sine of
seasing our Division has not bin ingaged
for the last several Days more then skirmshing
their was very hard fighten on our left
leate last Eavnig I have not hird yet how
it went we was Exposed to the most
sevear canodaten Day before yesturday that
I eaver hird in all my life you neaver
hird enny thunder Storm to Equalise it
in all your life Dear wife every thing is stil
at this moment but what minut we cant
tell when it will start a gain Dear wife
I have Rote several letters to you and others
sinse this fight has bin going on but
[page 2]
have neaver had the chance to Rite as sattesfactory
as I would like to Do from the fact that we dont
no what minute we may be attacked by the
enemy but I no you air allwais ancious and
willen to hear from me and I tel you my Dear
wife nothing gives me so much pleasure as
when I can hear from you and Rite to you
my Dear wife I could not tel you how
glad I would be to See you and the Dear little
childrean this morning I most tel you that
I Dremp of seeing the Sweat little babe last
night and how glad would I abin If it had
bin sow but I stil trust and pray to the good
lord that I may See you all before long If
it is his will for his will most be don Dear
wife I cant tel you how often I have thoat of
you in thease troublesom times I trust you will
pray to the good lord to Spair boath yourn &
my life that we may boath be permited to
see the End of this troublesom war Dear wife
we neave new the pleasure that we Enjoyed to
geather before this war come now we can see
Corrows but my life is in the lordes handes
and I am willen that he shal Dispose of
[page 3]
it as he thinks beast for without the lords
we can Do nothing I hope and pray to him
that he will crown us with a gloreous victory
for the Battle is not to the strong nor the
Rase to the Swift If we air on a just
cause which I trust we air we shal
yet in the End be victorious and tryumph
over our enemys I think our Armey has
lade holte on that Determenation that they
will lead a better life then what they have
hear to fore their was a great Revival in the
armey before we left camps their was menny
that joyned the church of Different Denomin
ations that neaver had made this great obligation
to serve their lord before their is one thing that
I am sorrow of and that is this we have not
had a Lutherean preacher with us all last
winter not Since fall at least and their has
bin all other Denominations to visit the armey
all the winter and Spring why our preachers
cant Do sow I cant say nor it is not for
me to say If they think they air doing their
Dewty all Rite I no we have young men
their that could as well spend their
[page 4]
time hear as we can that have pore
suffering children at home and a heap
of them hardly have bread to ease their
hunger Dear wife I will close on this for
the present I most tel you that I have
neaver saw such a site in no Battle as I
have in this I have saw lots of Dead bodes
Burnt in to a crips and I have no Eyedea but
what some of the wonded was burnt of
both sides but the most that I saw was
of the enemy I saw one man that was burnt
that had the picture I suppose of his little
Daughter in his pocket it was all burnt only
the glass it loocked to be the Sise of Ida a
very sick little girl I neaver saw enny thing
that made me feel more sorrow their has
bin hundreades of the yankes that has neaver
bin Buried nor wont be well now I most
close I will give you the names of thoes
that has bin kiled in our settlement Henry
Workman Wm. Warlick Jos Richey I beleave
that is all in our neighborhood I saw brother
sid yesturday he is all Rite yet and sow
is Aaron T. Reep is also well and sound
If you see fedes wife tell her he is un
hurt so fair I will now close I hope
tel I Rite the neaxt letter this fight will be over
and may the Lord grant that it may put
and end to the war I Recived a letter from
you that was Dated May 1st also one from
frank the same date I will now close please
Rite often to me I will Rite every few Days If
I live tell this fight seases Direct your letters as
before only Richmond in stead of orange I
am Ever your trew and loving Husband untel
Death Isaac To Catharine Lefevers

May 20, 1864


Name Variant: 
Isaac Lafevers
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell and Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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