

State of N C March the 16th 1864
in Camp ner Kinston

dear Companion I Sete my Self to
rite you a few lines again to let you
no that I am tolerble well but I
can tel you that I hav ben rite
Sick but I am better but I did
not take any medison only three
pills I would not hav it and
I got well as quick as them that
takeing the medison I was taken the
evening be for Sam got back but I
think if nothing happens I will be
harter than I was be fore fo I was
cleaned out about rite but I hope
when thes few lines reches the hands of
you tha may find you all in good helth
now I will tel you about the
scout that me and felt had to
take a while Sam was at home tha
picked out about 65 of the stoutes
men and one capt and two
lieutenants and went on the scout
for four days and nights and we
had to travel thrugh Swamps and
Slep in the Swamp and not a thing
[page 2]
to Sleep on nor to cover with Just
lay on our guns we was about 11 or
12 miles in the yankey lins we
thought we could get to cetch Som
yankeys but we did not get to See any
and our men Just robed the poor
wimen and children it was a Site
tha went to the houses and takeing any
thing tha wanted I hope the army will
never hav to com thrugh wher you
liv for tha wuld Steal every thing you
hav the Soldiers is the rogishist people
that livs we kild hogs Chickens
and any thing we wanted you Sed
Somthing about thomas yats note
it is black head yats let him pay it
if he wants to tel dock to be a Smart
boy for I will be at home Som time
for if tha dont giv me a ferlow
if I dont run away I will be [??]
about may or june for me ame
is home but if tha use me for
I wont run a way Som Sed that
you and lily Sed you did not want
me nor felt to run a way that
[page 3]
is all rite but I dont cear what
you and her wants if I take the
notion I am coming or be found
atrying here I hav ben all the
time and I hav not drawd one cent
and but mity little of any thing
and I hant a going to Stay at no Such
a dam plase because I can make
more at home in the bushes amakeing
brooms than I can here in this tornel
war I want to no how your whete
looks for I think that I will be
At home about harvest maby
now I will tel you that I got all
my things that you sent me and
them eggs was all rite and non
broke he fetcht everthing all
rite we get tolerble plenty now
Such as it is it is corn choping the
roughest Sort and fat mete a third
of a pound to the man for a day
tel dock to take good cear of his
little dog and all the rest of his
Stock I hated the little sheep all dide
I was in hopes we would hav a good Stock
[missing page 4]

March 16, 1864


Co. K, 21st North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Forsyth County, NC


Residence (County): 
Forsyth County, NC


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
October, 2011

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