July 16 K.Y. [1863]
Cumberland Gap
Dear Parients and Familie
after my best love to you all I can in
from you that I [m?] am in tollerable
good health at this time I am improve
ing some but am not well yet I hav
not been on duty sinc I was hurt by
lightnin I an very weak yet the health
of the Regt is not very good there is agood
maney sick in the Regt there is four of
our companey that [?] has got the feaver
Jasper Moore John Cathey Mose norris
James wootten but they are out of
dang danger now I think all but wooten
he has just taken this week but I think
he will make the rise with it we
hav not lost narry man since we
come in to the war I think that we
aught to be thankful that we hav been
spard so well I am thank ful that I
hav been spard so wel as to my part
I havent any thing of intrest to
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to write we hav tollerable hard times
heer now and hav had sinc we
hav been heer our Rashins is very bad
& short the men has to go on Picket hungry
some times and that is very hard I would
love to be at home to get something to eat
that is one place that I nevver saw [scearce?]
but I am well sat is fied with what I
git if I can only live to git home one more
time I Received aletter from L C the
other day she said that mother was in
bad health I hope that she will be well
be four this Reaches your hand father
I want you to write to me how you
are giten along with your wheat and
how corn looks and how oats is if you
hav any and how the stock is giten along
I want to k[n]ow how all the things is com
ing on at hom and how your corn h[oulds?]
out and if you will hav anoughf to do you
until n[iew?] corn comes again or not
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I am anxious to know how you are all
gitten along at home I want to k[n]ow
when you heard from the boys and
how they are gitten along I hav not heard
from them in some time B A and R P is
tollerable well as I havent any thing of interst
to write I will close for this time hope
ing to hear from you soom and often
no more But Remaines your sone
[as ever?] Thos B Edmons
N. Edmonston M. A. E
Mother I hav Quit
swaring I hav not swore any in two
months T B