

White Oak Church Va,
Feb. 4th, 1863
Dear sister,
As your letter number two is at
hand, think it about time was
some reply.
It is decidedly cool weather her
just now, last night was what
some would call a singer indeed
the past week has been a winteres
character it snowed last week.
what Southern folkes call right
smart about eight inches of the
“white mantle” was spread over like
surfase of the “Old dominion”
Since writing you before the
army of the Potomac moved, got
stuck in the mud and [????]
returned to it old quarters without
seeing the enemy
now the ground is frozen hard.
[page 2]
and if it holds [scool?] locomotion
will be better, and safer,
We that is Gen. Reyolds and
attendents are about moving camp
tomorrow we shall pitch our tents
two miles nearer Bell Plain landing
Gen. Hooker has issued an order
granting a Furlough of fifteen days
to one man out of every fifty in
this army, one only will go home
from this Co. we are to draw
lots for the chance. I shall not
go home if it falls to me. there
is so many that will pay for the
privalege. besides I dont wish to
go and be obliged to come back
just when some shoulder straped
gentry say the words when I go
it will be when F. N. has the privelege
of saying when to return in other
words when Uncle Sam sets me
free. until then you need not expect
to see me in Maine.
[page 3]
I recieved a long but excellent
letter from Aunt Rosanna
yesterday. she thinks this war
is dreadful, but the Nigger she says
is worth fighting for, well perhaps
he is for some, but I dont [want?] on
bad enough to risk my body for
Rebel Sharpshooters to fire at any
great length of time
I have heard from Cate and Em.
both since writing to you before. they are
all well Cate and Dan are to Avon
this winter. The mill question will
most likely be settled without any
great controversy, especially when the
ownership is settled is disposed off.
I have got some Patriots from
Mrs. M. but have not had any
letters from them for four months
have written to them twice.
Mrs. Blodgett writes that Miss
Bass is teaching school and boarding
with [???] this winter,
[page 4]
Dont want you to make fun
of my high position in the army
better fill a small position well than
a large one indifferently, and as most
of them are filled in this part of the
you need not take the trouble to
copy speeches for me to read, we get
daily papers here and are pretty well
posted in military and Political
matters all over the country.
Shall send you another paper
soon hope you will be lucky enough
to get it.
Found two stamp in your last
letter, but no writing from Aunt Oriana
Mr. Doble most likely was only following
the practice of his superiors when he sent
[??] property home, plunder is about
all that keeps men in the army at all,
My health continues quite good, hope
this will find you well:
Remember me to all
From your Brother
F. N. Holman
My love to Father and Mother
and Mother and
yourself F. N. H.

February 4, 1863


Co. L, 1st Maine Cavalry


Residence (County): 
Oxford County, ME


From State: 
From Note: 
White Oak Church


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allyson Page Dale
Transcription Date: 
April, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2016

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