Near Fredrics burg Jan 22 /63
Friends at home.
I got your letter last night
that Clara wrote at Uncle Patch[es?]
I think likely you will here
about Daman before you get
He has bin about the same
till yestoday he was a little
better I have not hurd this
morning. he gets better
attention than he would
if Mr Daman was not here.
I believe he is going to stay
here a while and see if he
[page 2]
carnt get him home when
he gets better
I am well. so are the rest
that are here in camp. Mr
Daman thinks its rather
cold kinds of beds we have
if he does sleep in with the
oficers. they have a floor
so it would be harder for
him than the ground would
be as we have to take it.
Sinclare has got a box
almost here, and I will pay
for one for me if you will
send one assoon as there
is a chance again.
It wont cost as mutch
to send a box, as it would
cost to get one deasent meal
of the Sutler, of any thing
chease forty and fifty cents
a pound. little cookies. two
cents apiece, apples, five cents,
[page 3]
apiece, pies, thirty cents apiece.
I dont know wheather to have
a pair of bots sent or not, it
is mudy enough to haave some
now if we should have to march
I should get my feet wet sure
you can get a pare not vury
heavy as most of them get.
for when we come to get them
loaded with mud they will
lug down, this mud sticks
on like I dont know what.
tis the nastyist s[t]uf I ever
saw in the barn yard or any
where else.
Be sure and get some wide
ones for these shoes dont keep
our feet pinched up vury
mutch and it may take a prety
wide boot. if they dont fit I
sharnt need to throw them
away for boots are on good
demand and sell for seven
[page 4]
to thirteen or fourteen
dollars a pair and vury poor
work at that.
It comenced raining tuesday
night and has rained ever since
and some of the time quite fast
it is what has started the mud
and I gues it will keep mudy
a spell now it is about mud
Dried apple, and cheese, is
what goes good with hard tack.
I got some mince pie that
tasted first rate. they would
keep as well as any thing
to send out here. the boys
have had them come in
good shape as though they
were just taken out of the
cup board at home
Yours truly,
A. H. Carter
[added upside down at top of page 1]
I am vury mutch obliged for
those things Uncle braught out
I did not need the risters
for my mittens were so nice
and long risted they are in the
way when I put my mitins on
that cap is a good one to sleep in
and ware when on guard.