

Norfolk. Feb. 6th. 1864

Brother Chauncey

I received
your letter dated the 27th
this morning and was glad
to hear that you was
enjoying yourself I have
ben well and had a
pretty easy time since
you left the rest of the
[sections?] are ready to start
all except the money Co. H.
went yesterday they got
their money from a broker
they pay ten dollars on three
hundred and twenty five
thare was forty recruits
come for the regments
this morning thare was
four for our Co.
we do not want but four
[page 2]
more to fill our Co.
we have a ball here once
in a while I went to one
the other night down to
mother bats they had a
pretty good time thare was
not more than three drunken
men thare they had it
in melodion hall cornor
of union streat and rays
lane they have one on little
water streat allmost evry
night but I do not go
to them I should not of
gone to the one down
to bats but I had to
go as a guard I have
not stood a regular post
but once since you left
I have ben on a schoner
the most of the time
thare was two companys
[page 3]
of the second mass went
to newbern yesterday the
rebs have come down thare
with a large force they
are moving on little washington
and plymouth now but probbly
you get the news almost as
soon as we do here the
158. brought twenty two rebs
from newport barracks the
other day they have fetched
the prisnors in pretty thick
latly the box has not come
yet but I expect it evry
day tell mary [1] that I thank
her very mutch for her letter
I did not no that she
could write so well I
guess that she learns to
pretty fast tell her that
I would like to be thare
so that I could hug and
[page 4]
kiss her a little thare is
a little white kitten here
that I would send to her
if I could he is the best
natured cat that I ever
saw he sat on my shoulder
half of the time that I
was on guard he used to
sleep with me most every
night mister Hornor
sends his best respects
to all the folks and says
that when he gets home
he is coming down and
drink some cider with father



  1. His sister Mary, about nine at the time
February 6, 1864


Co. F, 27th Massachusetts Infantry
Residence (County): 
Hampden County, MA



From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Ken Gardner
Transcription Date: 
August, 2014
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
October, 2014

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    University of Georgia
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