

Camp Andrew
Anapolis M D Decm 9th
Dear wife I have just got your Letter of
the 5th and i was glad to hear from you
i wrote the other day Stating that i had
got your Letter from Washington the Paper
i have not got you now how to direct them
now we are having fine wether now
it is the Indian Sumer here now
i Suppose it is cold wether at home
all the time i now it cost all you can
get to Live and i dont want you to
Send anny Stamps if it takes monney
that you want i hope [?] we Shall
get Paid of Before a great while that
Letter of E L D didnot amount to much
But L x was a good one it Spoke
about our tent in Particlur it was
was By Leiv Creassey i think nelley
must Send her Father a Pare of stocking
i new that wescoot was at home
[Page 2]
But i didnot know that his Brother
was takeen Prisoner we had a Brigade
drill to day By gen Foster a Bridgade is
Composed of four Regiments i hope
that England wont have anything
to do with this war if She does we
Shall not get home for three
years thay are always Sticking
thear nose in Somebodys mess i dont
no wen we Shall get of[f]
from here we may have to Stay
here all winter But i hope not it
is hard work to get Rid of a Cold
thear is now in the army Six hun
dred thousand and Sixty meen
and they can carrey it up to
ten hundred thousand But i wish
it was over you now Jo Chote he
has had fits Since he hass Ben
here and he is agoing to Be Sent
home and the day Before yesterday
Andrew J Folbet was drummed out
[Page 3]
of the Regiment for Stealing
that is the way they Seve them in the
army i felt Bad for him But it
was Right i am glad that nelley
Says her Prayer She is a good girl
i cannot Read aunt nelsons Letter
She writes Like a Layer But it is
all the Same i am gld to get a
Letter from here i should think that
it would hurt mother to walk So
much i Should think that Father
would Put Frank in the navy that is
the Best Place for him give my Love
to all i almost fogot to tell you
about our oven we have had Stewed
Beans Since we have Ben here till
we dug an oven in the groung and
Paved it with Stones it works well
i tell you and we now Shall have
Baked Beans as Long as we Stay here
we have a Plenty of Paper now and
Envelopes has Frank Hopkins [?]
[Page 4]
yet give my Respects to him tell him
he ought to Be out here i am agoing to
write to Baltimore to his Brother
Jim he is in D F Browns Companny
i wrote to Bil Forbes the other day
he is in the Sharpshoters i cannot
think of anything more So i will
close it geting near dress Parade
So good By for the
Present kis the Children
for me
direct your Letter to
anapolis M D
Mass voL
from your
Joseph Barlow

December 9, 1861


Co. A, 8th Massachusetts Infantry; Co. I, 23rd Massachusetts Infantry
private; sergeant
Residence (County): 
Essex County, MA


Residence (County): 
Essex County, MA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Andrew


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
December, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
January, 2014

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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