Nashville Tennesee Sept 11th 1862
Dear and beloved wife it is with the
gratest of pleasure that iagain pen a
fiew lines to you to let you know that
iam well at presant and cincerely hop
those fiew lines will find you and
our loved ones the same ihav [ritten?]
you once Since we got here in which
igave you an account of a Scurmish
we had whilst coming to this place
on the cars we ware attacted by a
party of bushwhackers numbering
in all about three hundred their
was three companys of ours and
two of the 12 illinois the [????]
[??ld the track and some [????]
[train?] of the track they had [???]
[???] them selves in acornfield
about [four?] [rods?] from the track
They then opened fire on us and
Killed three and wounded Six
[page 2]
[thare?] was one man kiled out each
company David thornton was
killed out of our company and
[??]mullix is mising ithink that
[??] right in whare the rebbles
ware and ware taken prisnor
when the rebbles fired our men all
[???] of of the cars to git reddy
to shoot and isuppose the foolish
thing thought they ware all a
[???] and so he run Some of the
[???] him run their was none
[??] company wounded ithink iwill
Send this by bill britton the band
of the 38 is discharged and are
agoing home bill was here
yesterday you Said in your last
letter that Should tell you
how manny letters ihav got from
you i hav got three igot two at once
day before yesterday and it done
me agrate rel of good to read a
letter from you again
[page 3]
you Spoke about [??] Scrups
you wanted to know wether
he was taken out of the bed
with hur or not idonot
know that i had gone to bed
before he did but he wanted
to go to bed with hur you may
know for he told the landlord
that She was his wife you may
not be affaid that iwill ever
get in anny Sutch idonot
assotiate with Sutch company
ihav to mutch respect for
you and the children you are
the ondly one that i love in
this world iwill Send you
two dollars in this letter
tell Sis and [?????]
their letter and i [crossed out]
icould read it quite easy
[?] tell Sis to right more
iam knot as well Sattisfied Since
icame home it seames lonsome
[page 4]
after Spending Such a plesant
[time?] at home with you and the
[children?] but ishall try and
[???] as good spirets as posable
[??] direct you letters to
[nashville?] ihav ritten you about
[????]tters Since i left home
[????]g he is at [the?] hosptial
[?????] the wether here is
????? and dry idonot know
????? we will Stay here nor
????will go to you must
[right as often?] as you can
[????] i send my love to
them with the hopes that this
unholy war will Soon end and i
bee at home with them good by for
this time by loved one
L.B. Wort to S.G. Wort loved one