

[1] iam makeing aring today for
Sarah excuse poor righting
hand trembles to day

Camp at Nashville Nov the 15th 1862
Dear and beloved wife it is with
the gratest of pleasure that iagain
pen afiew lines to you to let you know
those fiew lines will find you in
the Same State of health iresieved
your kind letter last evening that
you Sent with Evans and you may
guess that it done me good to get
So late news know those ilove
So derely you Said that you thaught
from the reading of those fiew
lines that isent you that Jo
Smith was shot he told me
to tell you to tell his wife that
he was well but the man came
for the letter before igot it
done and ihad to quit and close
it up in order to Send it with
him this will explain it
[page 2]
igot aletter yesterday from John
and Sarah but you Said in your
letter that they ware at Hicksvile
and ware well So ican give you
no news of them their is talk
of the army advanceing South
from here but Some Seam to
think that our brigade will
Stay here ihope this is trew
then we can get mail regular
ifigured up what ihav coming to
me in the regament at payday
it is forty dollars and 22 cnts
this over and above my wages and
ithink this is doing pretty well
this with my five months pay
will make me onehundred
dollars ihope they will pay us for
five months that will bee
quite ahelp to you iwill Send it
to you as Soon as they pay us
of as [ins?] you nead it you Said
you got them two dollars iam
[page 3]
glad to here of that our capten
is Sick and thinks he will go
home on afurlow and if he
does and dont go till after
payday iwill Send it by him
and if he does iwill exspress
it to you tell al that igot his
letter and was glad to here
from him he rightsa verry
good letter tell him iwill
answer it in afiew days
you Said that you had Sent
Some verses with [J?]anafin and
ishould tell you how ilike them
he has not got here yet
you Said you felt bad because
you did not Send aletter with
[J?]anafin you done better to send
it by Evans So you see as [??]
ialways said their is luck in
leasure the boys are all
well iwas waid the other day
and waid one hundred and
[page 4]
seventy one pounds So you
See iam pretty fat inever waid
that mutch before ienjoy good
health the colonel Said the other
day that the musicions Should
hav Swords and in afiew days
we will get them and nice dress
coats So you see the band is
going to come out then ishould
like to see hav you see us out
in dress paraid iwill get my
likeness and Send it to you after
we are paid of you Said you had
Sent your picture by [Ja?]nafin
iam mutch obliged to you
for that then ican kiss you
and press you to my bosem
i Just hurd that our brigade
is going to Stay here this is good
news right often and iwill
do the Same kiss the children
for me good by for this time
Direct to Nashville Tenn
From L. B. Wort to S.G. Wort

  1. Upside down at top of page 1
November 15, 1862


Co. E, 21st Ohio Inf.
Residence (County): 
Defiance County, OH


Residence (County): 
Defiance County, OH


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Jamie Young
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2009

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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