Camp at Nashville Tenn Dec the 1st 1862
Dear and beloved wife it is with the
Greatest of pleasure that iagain take my
pen in hand to pen afiew lines to you to
inform you that iam quite well at this
Time and cincerely hope these fiew
lines will find you and our loved ones
well and enjoying good health i recieved
aletter from you day before yesterday and
Was glad to here from you and to
learn that you ware all well it is a
pleasure to me to get aletter from
you yesterday igot one from John
the one that igot from you had an
invelope in it with a Stamp on it
iwas looking over those invelopes that you
Sent me today and happely Surprised
to find nine of them hav stamps S[??]
iam verry mutch obliged to you for them
them verses you Sent with that braid of
hair [??] is verry [???] and verry [???]
[page 2]
[i went?] yesterday to viset the 44 Indania
regament that is the regament that
Alex [?????] is in and ispent a pleasant
day with him they hav got better
Company officers than we hav
Alex cooks for the officers and i eat
dinner with them he baked a nice
short cake and they had fresh mutton
and butter and preserves that was
sent them from home [?] John
G[?nser?] [houser?] is in comand of the
company and N[?]te Thomas [1] is a
[??]nant they did not act like
our officers N[at?] Mall[??] is in
that company N[?]te Thomas was home
Recruiting for their company and he
enlisted with him at [noris?]town
isaw him and he looks well and i
think he will make good soldier
you Said your wood that i choped
was all burned up and i must
Come over and chop Some nothing
would give me more pleasure
[page 3]
than to bee able to do So
but iam a Slave to the
goverment ithink if i live to get
out of this Scrape they will never
get me in again if the union all
goes by the board i am contant
ly in aworry about you for fear
you are Suffering for the want
of wood and other things oh that
i could bee with you again as i us
to do and enjoy your Society then
i [???????] comfort we are Still
at nashville ithink we will get our
pay about wednesday they are
hav made out the pay roll
and ithink we will Sine it
tomorrow and yet our pay the
next day they are going to pay us
for ondly three months and they
owe us Six today and then ihav over
fifty dollars oweng to me besides
tell me if you dont think i hav
done pretty well ihav made up
[page 4]
my trip home and more to
and ithink that is doing verry
well iwill Send the money to you
by exspress as Soon as iget it
the boys are all well they are a
setting up the clothing list for the
year and the allowance is 42 dollars
i hav taken up $37.22 So you See their
will bee some comeing to me on that
i Stoped righting to read aletter from
[you?][??] verry glad to here from you and
[to?] learn that you are all well but
sorry to here of your [????]ion
[???] my one relatives they nead
not try to Set me up against
you for they cant doit ilove you
to derely to ever forsake you
i no you live as Saveing as you
can you told hur right what is mine
is yourn and it is none of hur [living?]
business what you by make your
Self comfartable with the money
that isend to you it is yourn and you
use it as you please iwill right hur
aletter and give hur a piece of
my mind
[2] dont pay out your money to clost
keep [amuch?] to buy all that you want
and [ablige?] me
- Possibly Irving N. Thomas of Co. F, 44th Ind. Inf.
- Upside down at the top of page 1