Tryune Tenn March the 26th /63
Dear wife
I take this oportunity
of writing you a few lines once
more to inform you that I am
well and I hope these few lines
will find you the Same I received
your letter date March the 8th and
was glad to hear from you
I notifyed you in a letter last
week that I had returned to
the regiment I have ben back
about a week for two or three
days it has been cold and disagre
able but it has cleard of now
and looks verry pleasant I was
out on picket and have just
returned to camp we went out
yesterday morning when we started
it was raining mixt a little with
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snow and hail but it soon
broke away and we had a verry
good time with the exceptions it
was rather Cold last night I would
have riten to you sooner in the
week but I hant had time this
week we have ben to work
day and night all most for a
few days building fortifycations
we have got the top of a mountain
nearly fortifyed now so that we
are in purfect safety as long as
in them we are ourly expecting
an atact we are marched out
2 or 3 milds evry day to meat
the rebs but we hant Seen any
thing of them yet although there
is heavy firing a few milds
from here towards Nashville the
Say there is a large force of them
that has got in back of us
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So it is uncertain whether this
letter will go through or not
but I thought i would not
wait any longer for it may
be Sevrel days before this raid
will be over although I dont
aprehend any thing verry serious
I hant injoyed better health
Since I have ben in the service
that I have for 3 or four weeks I
Sent you my likeness and ten
dollars in it last week right as
soon as you get it and I will
send you some more I sent
William Walles a Bilet of war songs
tell him to lern some of them so
he can sing them for me when I
get home you wanted to know
how I got along for clothing, I have
Clothing enough of all kinds but
Socks I hant got any but army
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socks and the are poor things
I expect Elizabeth was maried last
tuesday March the 24th to Horace Heath
Sarah rote to John to that afect
is all that I know about it
Perhaps you know all about it
though you must keep a stif uper
lip for I ashure you I do the
Beat of the Drum nor the crack of
the musket nor the Boom of the
canon dont make me loos a
minutes sleep I have plenty to
eat such as it is and feel first
rait although I would like to be at
home with my family as well as
any body give my respects to
Mother and all inquiring friends tell
the children that I love them all
and would like to see them right
soon from your afectionate husband Wm Culbertson
to Julina Culbertson