[1] my Dear father i take
pen in hand to in form you
that i am well at Bressent
and i hope Dis few lins
will find you all in the
same stat of good helth
if you Blese [2] rite mey a
leter and rite mey ware Daneul
is and how he is coming
so no more at Bressent
rite as sune as Dis coms
to your hand
Derect your leters
hars Burg Camp simmuns
in Cear of Capan W B iba [3]
Jonathen Boyer
[page 2]
nofember 15 1862
i take my pen in hand
to in form you that
i am the same
and i let you know
that we Did get
our Clousses yester Day
1 pare shus
2 pare stockens
2 pare under pans
2 under shurts
1 Drees caot
1 over caot
1 cap
1 nap sag
1 haver sag
1 canteen
so no more
at Bressent
[page 3]
and i let you know
that was on watter
Duddy to Day
isic huf man
John strickler
jacob kensey
Did run the gard
and go home
and i will try to Com
home next week
then i Bring
my old closes a long
so no more at B[r]essent
and rite in your
next leter if
John fesler Did Crash [4]
our weet or not
Dond for geat and ride as sune
as you can
Johathen Boyer
- Jonathan Boyer mustered into Co. I, 173rd PA on Nov. 2, 1862. This letter was written on Nov. 15, 1862
- Blese = please
- Capt. William B. Iba
- Crash = thrash?