

Perysville [1] January 15 /64

Dear friends I Seat
my Self to drop you a
few lines we got here
yester day Safe and
Sond we got long
very well except
on this Side of latrobe
we jad a brake down
and had to lay over
for ours and then
mist the Cenetion
and did not get here
till about five oclok
las eving we fon
all the folk well
and glade to see
us Susa Elen [2] thinks
She will like very
[page 2]
well we was very
tired till [3] we got here
I cannot write much
this time as I have
not seen around much
yet. I Will give you
the market wheat per
bushel $1.15 cen Corn .85
potatos 50 butter 20 pork
6 cents per pound that is all
that I can give this
time Gorge [Gusparkson?]
was over to See us last
night Susan likes it
here very much She
Sase She wold not
come back to Woodbey
to live if som body wold
give her a farm work
is plenty I gess I will
[page 3]
Chop wood till Spring
I can get as much
plastrer as I can do
and I gess more than
I can do at ten cents
a yard Susan E Sase
wen never She gets
home Sick She will
let yu no I gess
I will stop writing
for this time wen
I write agane I will write
more nothing more
but I remain
yours trooly
James S Carmack

  1. Perrysville, Ohio
  2. His wife, Susan Ellen Carmack
  3. till = by the time
January 15, 1864


Residence (County): 
Bedford County, PA


Name Variant: 
“Dear Friends-Hartman”


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
August, 2013

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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