

Gloucester Point May 17 / 63
Dear Mary I take my pen in
hand to let you know that I
have not forgotten you my health
is good may this find you enjoying
the same I have some cold but
will soon git over it my hand is not
verry steady this morning I have not
much to write this time so it will
not take long evry thing is all quiet
again it is agrivating to have the
papers print so much that is not
so you can tell how it is in camp
a thousand stories going at a time
git them all simmerd down and
thair is not much truth in them
thats aboute the way with the papers
the reporters does not wate till they
know the truth but write all they
heare they ought to be sent home
and stay thair it is better not to have
any news then to have such news
[Page 2]
we have not had any hand
in the last fight it will take a
number of months to make a nother
starte so you see we will be all right
some times I hardly care how the thing
goes I was in hopes we would
have done something I wish we might
if it had been managed right
we have troops enough but they are
not in the right plase when they
are wanted it is ha[r]d telling how long
things are going so I hope not long it is
hard to tell how badly we were whiped
at fredrickes burgh they clame they were
not whiped it looks to me they were
badly whipped if not go ahead they
done one big thing when they killed
old Jackson he was the best they
had I hope we shal have some good
news after a while if not we are
down mint [1] as well give up and
go home it does look a little
discouraging but may not some time
[Page 3]
I received yours of the 10th
last evning and was glad to hear
from you that your health was good
mary try and enjoy your self I
am trying to and do succeed
partly not as well as if I war
at home it is not long before I shal
have the privelage I shal be at home
as soon as I git the chance we
are having some verry wa[r]m weather
just now it is not often we have
such warm days at home we do
not drill any in the middle the day
it is cool nights verry nice to sleepe
Josiah wanted know if I wanted
to go thrashing next fall I think like
ly I will but cant tell now can
tell better after I git home I am
glad you have sold the cows you
had ought to have had more but
you had better sold them for less than to
have keep them I must close for this time
good this from your Lyman
[page 3]
may 18 good morning my love oh how
I wish I could see you I hope the time is not
long before I shal have the privelage it is not as many
weeks as it was months it would not seem long if one
was at home I think we shal stay heare till we starte
for home I do not know wheather they will keepe ous
heare till our time is oute or not I hardly think not
how does friend torry git along will you keepe the his cow
with you or at fathers I git most awful tired of the
living heare we have plenty but it is not in any shape my cold
is beter this the mail has changed it does not leave till noon
[Page 4]
what is the prospects of fruit thair peeches heare
are aboute as large [as] cheries and will be very plenty
wher thair is trees over in york town gen mc clenan
was thare was a peech orchard of 100 acers it was cut
for wood it is a greate plase for fruit war makes
a country look lonesome I must close give
my love to all give my Charla boy a kiss
for me this from one that never for gets
you and loves ,, mary Lyman

  1. mint = might
May 17, 1863


Co. G, 169th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Erie County, PA


Residence (County): 
Erie County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Fort Keye


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
October, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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