

[1] Camp At Huntsville Ala Jan 13th 1865

Dear Friend Hary
I her tak the plether to drop few lines to let
you know that i am well at present and I hop
when this reaches you it may find you still
enjoying the same blessing Hary you
must excuse me fore not writing to you
sooner but we did not get eny chance to write wile
we were on the campaign and when we lay at
nashville it was to cold and we had no shelter
but the bare shelter tent and it was awfull cold
wile we lay there so you must let me of[f] this time i
now will give you the campaign we fell back from
[?????] the 24 of november about half [?????]
and got to columbia that evning about 7 oclock the
destince was 33 miles so you can think that [was?]
a good day march the next morning we gone out [???]
line on the left winge and lay here till about 8 oclock
then move on the right wing and the next morning [t????]
up on other line of works the rebs was [???] close and
[page 2]
were fealing oour skirmishes but they werenot
very antious to run on our works here we lay till the
coming of the 27 when we move on the other side of
duck river and threw up an other line of works
on the 28 lay here till the morning of the 29 then
fell back to south sid of ruther ford creeke and lay
here till that night when we fell back and it was
time two fare the rebs was in our rear aready we marched
all that night our regt was the rear guard about day
light the reb cavray made adash on the wagon trane
and right ware our regt was [y?]ordind so we move in
line of battle and porde in to them 3 voley when
they Fled to the woods so they did not trube us till
we got to franklin wich we reached at 11 oclock
made diner fore we had no rest all that night
and we were nearly plade we had marched 26 mils
abut two oclock one regt was orded on picket so we got
out and thru up work the [???] of the regt afore camp [???]
was orded out on the out post and [????] reservs our
Co was in reserve abut half past 3 oclock the
rebs came on as acople colmes deap and nealy goble us
up but we fought them the hole way back to our main
lines of works here the rebs hade to com to aholt fore they
reciev adeadly fire all along our line the rebs mad
several charges on our work but was repulsed evry time
the fighting lasted till about 9 oclock that night
[page 3]
when the rebs with drew alittle this was [?????] battle
fore the rebs loss was 6 thous and 2 [thunred?] they hade
38 hundred dead rebs on the field this the rebs told
one ther self our loss was 6 hundred two hundred kild
the rebs charge the right wing 13 times and was repuled evry
time in this fight ther was 20 od battle flages captured
i seene 10 of them my self that night we fell back to nashvill
in this fight our regt loste 19 killed and wounded Henry
Whight wound in the neck Henry with wound in both
legs that was all we lost in our Co we got to nashvill
the morning of the [1?] of Dec on the 8 we were on our
regt when the rebs charge us and us parte ways
but we charge them and drove them back and tuck
our skirmish putt back agane we lay here till the
morning of the 15 of Jan we made an atack on the rebs
line our regt was on picket but was reliev by the
convelessanse and we forlored our brigad up wich
hade move on the right the first day fight we chargd
there main line of work ab[??] an [????] be be fore
dark captured 16 canon 12 prisnors the next morning
we move on the rebs again thay hade fell back to camp
andy Johnson you know ware that is here they [threw?]
up a heavy line of work ther flanks [??]ting on that
ridg that was in the rear of camp andy Johnson
you often seene it we got close up to the rebs work
and tuck the first line abut 11 oclock we then
charge the main lin but our left did not lien up
[page 4]
in tim so we had to fall back to the first line we
tuck here we lay till about fore oclock when we charge
agane this time caried ther works tuck 30 canon and
5 thousand this was a grand sight to see the rebs and
our regt captured one canon and fifty [???] we would
have got the half of the army too but night save
them so that night they fell back to franklin
the next morning we f[????] them up the calvy
bringing lots of firing close to franklin our
Calvry captured a hole breged colers and that
day we marched to franklin here we hade to stop fore
the rebs hade burnt the bridg a cross big harpeth river
and we could not [????] it fore it be gan to rain aday
[we give?] the fight and was still raning the next day our
men got the bridge dun and we move through franklin
and through spring hill this place is 12 miles from the
[???] and encamp close to Rutherford this day we got lots
of [??????] [fort?] canon the Calvry tuck them for we have
to boys over here a gan to put abridge across Rutherford creek
so the nex day we move camp twice raining all the time that
night our brigad put up abridge the 80 ills put it
up they had two men drowned working on the bridge
the next morning we crost and encamp at camp [Hunters?]
nerly on the camp ground we encamp when we marched
to [?????] we hade to put up an [oh??] [Bridge?] the evning
of the 23 about 8 oclock we had to cross it was awfull
Cold and it had snowed the day be fore we [???] through
Columbia and encamp abut one mile on the other
[side?] the next mo[ve?] after then agan marched 6 miles
had a skirmish with the rebs killed a rebel capt and
his horse with one shell next morning the 24 march
agane marched 17 miles got to camp abut 8 oclock that
night next day Chrismas marched through puluski and
[?????] 6 miles in the other sid this was a amery Chris but
[????????] out in the morning [????] suply trane did
[???????] till the next day [????] 18 miles raining
[???] day and when we got to camp abut 8 oclock that night we
[?????????????????] [?????] in stead of having [reste?]
[????] fore [???] we had rest [???] and not move the next day
[the?] [??] hade to wait [on rashing?] the next got the rashings abut
4 oclock that day the [???????????????????????????????????]

  1. Sgt. Adam Pontz served with Erisman in Co. K, 77th Pennsylvania Infantry. Erisman had received a medical discharge in March 1864. In his letter, Pontz describes Confederate Gen. John Bell Hood's invasion of Tennessee, the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and the pursuit of Hood's army.
January 13, 1865



Co. K, 77th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Lancaster County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
May, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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