June the 1864 [1]
My Dear Friend Louisa Cauler
I take my pen in hand to inform
you these few lines to let you know
That I am well at this present
time and [?] hope that these few
Lines may find you in the same states
of health and fother I am going to
Let you know that we left Lancaster
on thursday morning at nine O Clock
and went to philadelphia and now
we are a bout [a?] mile below the
town we are are encampt the name
of our camp is Cadwalader
it is a very nice place. the camp
is a mile sqare and there is a
fence around about 20 feet high all maid
of pails and they are so close togathr that
we Could not shoot a ball through
be tween them and there are gards
inside and outsid we hav about
200 hundred solgers in our camp [our?] camp
is 100 hundred feet long and it is two
story highe and me and [??]hanan damp[man?]
Samuel Miller and William m[????] are
in one room up stairs there is a great
[page 2]
Deal of drinking going on th[??] was
a [???] put in the guard house and the
next day the they wer taken out and chain
balls put to their legs one of them run off
wen they fetch them in and he [????]
[yet] Some are walking around with
their heads locking throug a big barril as much
as they are able to carry and a guard with
them if they stop they a punch with the
baonet and maid march faster they must
keep a going all the time
me and my partner ha to guar aman
down from lancaster to phiadelpia
we had him hand cuffed un till we
get him in Camp they took the hand cuffs
off him and dressed him and took his
likeness tha was the last i seen of
but I suppose he will be severley punished
This is all at this preasent time
you neetent rite till send you A
nother letter I suppose we [???] to
go towarts richmond in A few days
from your [??] husband Samuel [???]
Samuel [Y?] Cauler
- Cauler enlisted on June 5, 1864