September 5th 1864
My Dear and Loveing
Husband I take the
Liberty of writeing you a
few lines to let you know
that I am well and I
hope that you have got
well to I was very sorry
to hear you was sick
I do not know what is the
reason that you dont get
my letters I do wish you
could get them that I
wrote to you for i wrote
A greate meny things that
I would * like you to
have knowed you must not
blame me for not writeing
[page 2]
for I have a postoffice full of letters
laying someplace I suppose
you would be glad to
hear from us for I would
like to hear from you every
day if i could I did write
in one of my other letters
that i got them rings and
I wrote all about the Draft
but then you did not get the letter
so i will write it again
it may be you may get
it this time they was going
to Draft for they wanted 29
Out of Old Carnarvan but they
think they will not have to
Draft at all now for their
is enough inlisted
[page 3]
my Dear husband
Dear husband I will let
you know a little more about
it on this piece of paper
they will not draft in carnarvon
now but they will draft
in earl and east earl and
a great meny other places
I wish you could see little
Nora she is a funny little
girl when we tell her to
nod her head or to show
us how big she is she does
it she can get up at the
chairs when she gets a hold
of them Cely says she wishes
you could see her creeping on
the floor I got the letter
[page 4]
that had the piece in about
the [nut?] . Oh if I onley
could see you and talk to you
I could tell you more than
I can write to you it seems
to me more like 2 years
than 2 month since i last
saw you I guess you did
not know that Isaac lives
here he did not live with
us very long yet and when
it gets cooler he says he is
going to washington to drive
team I must close for this
time excuse all writeing and
mistakes do le tme know whether
you get this letter | from your true
| wife Louisa
Samuel Cauller | Cauller
[1] |LouisaCaullerSamuelCaullerNoraCauller
[page 5]
September 5th
Dear husband
my paper
is all in pieces this time but i
guess it is no difference if you
onley get it I will send more
and my likeness as soon as i
know whether you get my letters
i hope you got the money
i sent you 2 Dollars in the
other letter Mart is at rock
Island Illinois guarding rebs
[page 6]
so much from your true
Loveing Wife Louisa Cauller
Samuel Cauller nora Cauller
Oh Dear husband
how i love you no
one in the world i
Praise above you o
[page 7]
Nora sophia was eleven months
old the very day her
papa went to war and
that was the 20th of July
1864 Louisa Cauler 1864
Samuel Cauler
- top margin