

No 25 1864
my Dear and Loving
wife Tis with the greatst
of pleasure I Take
The opportunity of wrighting
you A Few Lines to
Let you know that
I am very well
at preasent and
hoping that this few
Lines may Find you
Enjoying good health
and Father I am going
To Tell you that
when you send me
my box and if you
put some sausage
in it fry them
First and put
them up in somthing
[page 2]
because if I
should not get it
wrigt A ways they
would Spoil and
send me some
Chesnuts if you have
Gathered aney and
a Few apples and
when you send
it send it by
Adams Express
there is an Express
office at City point
6 miles from us
and we are near
the railroad and
goes to city point
I thought i would
tell you becaus
their was one of our
Fellows got a Box send
[page 3]
To hime and it
had some sausage
in it and they
wer all moldey

No more at preaset
From your True
husband Sameul Caulr
write soon
and Let me know
how my Little

if she aint better
yet why send
my a Letter as soon
as you can and i
will get a furlow
and come home i can
[page 4]
get one on that
occation if you
are sick ore my
Little girl why i
can get A furlow
write soon and Let
me know but
dont put eney
thing els in the
Letter onley that
my Little girl is
and i should come
home and see her
if can
because the agint [1]
and the C kernel
will read it to
se if it is
so and if it is
prety bad why
i can get one
easy and menshon
[2] my granmother
how she is [?????]

  1. adjudant
  2. right margin
November 24, 1864


Company C, 107th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Lancaster County, PA


Residence (County): 
Lancaster County, PA


From State: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
February, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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