Hatches Run
Martch 10th 1865
My Dear wife
I Take the oppertunity
of wrighting you A
few Lines to Let you
know that I am very
well at preasent hopeing
thies few Lins may
find you enjoying
the Same and fother
we have A great Deal
of rain the teamsters
cant scarcely get A
Long But we expect
to move Before Long
And fother I think
the war will Soon
Be over By the way
things are going on
and fother I want
you to wright as
[page 2]
Soon As you Can
And Let me know
wheather you have went
after the money I send
To you and if you dident
I want you to go after
it as soon as posable
And fother I received
No Letter fore a week
and i am getting
uneasy But I must
Close fore this time
I want you to wright
often when you get
your money get paper
and stamps and then
wright often
So mutch from your
Dear husband Samuel
Cauller to my Dear
wife and Little dautr
Nora Suphia
[page 3]
No more At preasent
Wright Soon
fore get it not
and Let me know
A Bout the money
Louisa Cauller
Sameul Cauller
Nora Suphia Caullr
Louisa Cauler Samuel Cauller