Thusday martch th 8 1865 Hhutches Run
my Dear Belovd wife
I take the oppertunity of
wrighting unto you in order
to Let you know that
I am well at present
hopeing this few Lines may
find you in the Same
state of healthto and fother
the wheather is very nice and
pleasent my Dear and mutch
Beloved Louisa I aint got
mutch to wright at present
you [???????]
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was about to you my Dear Louisa
whome I Loved so mutch I
I onley Could Se you once
again o But I would Like
to talk to you But I must
Close fore this time BeCause
it is drill time But
my Dear Louisa send me paper
and stamps when you get
your money and Let me
know wheather you fetched
it or not if you did not
try and get it Soon
So mutch from your Dear
Husband S C