

Head Quarters, 156th Regiment. N.Y. VO
2nd Brig. 1st Div 19. Army Corps
Baton Rouge (La), Dec 12th 1863

Friend William,
You may think it very Strange for me
To write to you, as I never have writen, but it was
Not that I never thought of you. I have thought a
great many times that I would write but their was
always Something in the way and now I will endeavor
to pen a few lines in my awkward manner.
Wm. I have not heard from you Since I Saw you to
The picnic in the woods but I Suppose you have heard
of us. So their is no use of my telling you
where we have been or what we have been doing
fore it would tire me writing and you reading,
but I will tell you where we was one year ago
day before yesterday we was a week on the wide
Ocean near the Florida Shore about (80) miles
from Key West and we have been a great many
other places Since and god knows where we
will be the next 10th of December, but I hope the
[page 2]
war will be ended and I will be back home =
we have good news from the army of Tennessee
and expect great news from the Potomac soon.
General Grant is the man of this war. He was the man
at Vixburgh and Lookout mountains, and I think
he will be the man fore Richmond yet unless there
is Something done their this winter which I hope their will
There has been many changes in this regiment. Since
we left Old Ulster Some have gone home. Some on
furlows and some discharged and are dead and one
that was near and Dear to me is in his grave (that
was Sarge. Fowler and all through the negligence of
Doctors. If we had better Surgeons in the armys, their would
not be as many deaths as there is.
Their was rather a Sad instance ocured here Saturday
of last week of the 38th Mass man was on Provost Duty
and arrested one of our men and was about puting
him in jail and the later Started run. and the 38th
fellow bid him halt and fired killing him instantly
he was a member of Company E. 156th regiment, and
had many friends in his company. He has a sun in the
Same company that regrets his loss very much and
Has the Sympathys of many of our regiment,
[page 3]
The health of the Plattskill Boys is very good as far
as I know. David is well and wished to be remembered
to you he is orderly at Brigade head quarter s he has very
good times, Theodore is well and is out on picket today
(and it is raining so it makes it very unpleasant.)
That is something I have not done in Some Time, I was
detailled in the quarter masters department last January
and still remains the same = I have enjoyed very
good health since I have been in the army. I was sick
about two months but I kept out of the hospital
and now I am well and feel very well contended,
I should like to go home and see the folks once in a
while but other wise, I cant complain as I am very
well situated (for a privet Soldier.)
Give my Respecks to your Father and Mother and all the Girls
Remember me to inquiring friends (if I have any) I hope to
Receive a answer from you soon as it is convenient
And I mean to write you often if you are so agreed
Visit soon and I remain your friend and well wishes
Zadoc G. Rhodes
Co. A 156th Reg.
Baton Rouge, LA

December 12, 1863


Co. A, 156th New York Infantry
Residence (County): 
Ulster County, NY


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Jenn Jones
Transcription Date: 
February, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
February, 2015

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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