

Camp Fisher January the 9 1862
Mrs.. L.. Clark
Dear Sister I reseaved
your very kind letter a fue days a go
I had came to the conclusion that you
had forgotin me at least forgotin to
rite Sis I have now nuse of Importense
to rite we have had some bad weather
for the last three days the excitment
is tolerble hygh in camps about takin
g a furlow conel Falkner made a proposit
ion to the men to take a furlow of for
ty days at the end of that time report
to Conel Falkner at Corrinth for
duty and inlist for two years or during
the wor I have not taken the furlow
yet about half of the regiment has
taken the furlow I think nearly all
will take it I have not taking the
furlow yet and dont think that
I shal the men that has taking the
furlow will start home betwean now
and the fifteenth of Febuary I would take
it my self but I want Jim and
myself to Joyn a calvry Company this
year I would feal better satis fide
if we boath wair to gether Sis you wan
ted to now Hoo pade the m[ost?] atentian
to me I was treted as well as any one coul
d expect to bee treated our in camps
Sis I havenot seen Frank Pope sence I
reseaved your letter he was well the
last time I saw him I like him
very much for the quaintents I have with
[page 2]
we wair to gether often before we mooved
in our winter quarters we air now futher
a part than we wair befour I heard from
home a fue days a go they all have
the measels I am inhops that they will
not go hard with mother the measels
generally go harder with old people than
with young People Sis Hattty sed that she
was very an anchus to have the measels
and more sow to get well than
to have them Jim was nearly well
when I heard from Him I do not now
wheather he is going back to Columb
as Ky or not sis you will find Two
rings inclosed in this letter one for you
and one for sis Fanny sis the Wood came
off of the battle field and I made
them I do not now wheather you and
sis F will wair them or not the wood
that they air made our of is Ivry wood
I made one for sis sue one for sis Hatty
and one for Mother I do not now wheather
any of them will wair them or not I
thought as the wood came off of the
battle field and I had nothing else
to doo I would make you all one a pees
the Excitment is dull hear now an the
fiting question I dont think that we
will have to fit before next spring
I must bring this letter to a close rite
soon and oftin Tell sis Fanny and Fanny
Mc to answer my letters give my love to
all of the famly and you reseave a
doble proportion your self
T.W. Buford

January 9, 1862


Name Variant: 
"Thomas W. Buford"
Co. D, 2nd Mississippi Infantry
Residence (County): 
Attala County, MS


Residence (County): 
Attala County, MS


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Fisher


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2014

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