

May the 27 1861
Beverky Randolph Co Va

Dear father
I seat my self
this eavening to drop you a
few lines to let you know that
i am well and i am in good
sperits we are on hundred and
thirty miles from home we
have forty six miles to travil
yet to grafto[n] you can rite
to me as soon as you can direct
your leter to grafton taylor
county virginia and give me all
the news i hope you are all
well we have had good luck coming
through the mountains and get
plenty to eat there has been
non of us through those mountains
but myself we expect to
get to grafton by thursday if
nothing happens
[page 2]
the people thinks this fus
will be settled without
much fighting we hope it may
we are all mest of we have eight
in our mess we have the best mess
in camp i will name then bob
anderson John Anderson James anderson
John welch sam laird Jack
culton brownlee J N Snider
all of the people is right out
here there is some union men
futher west some few here
but they halfter kep cooll
i want you to tell my friends
to write to me for i have not
much time to write give my love
to all the kin and friend
and a full Share for you
all so nothing more at present
i will write as son as we get
[page 3]
be sure and tell A McCurdy
to rite to me if he is not
caled away yet so fair well
and may god be with you all
written by your son J N Snider
to D Snider ser

May 27, 1861


Rockbridge 2nd Dragoons (Co. H, 14th Virginia Cavalry)
Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
May, 2016

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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