

Monterey August 10 1861

Dear father
I seat my self to
drop you a few lines to let you
know that i am well at present
and hope when these few lines reach
you they may find you all engoying
the same good blessing of got
mr Wilson got here last eavening
i was glad to hear from you all
and glad to see them i was glad
to hear from uncle Sams folks tell
him i seen James about a weak ago
he was well he is in [honsbros?] command
on top of the alagany mountains
i forewas his letter to him i will not
write much this time for mr Wilson
can give you the news better than
i can write i drawed a pair of pants
the other day i put them on this [?????]
and they are long a nuf for [me?] and
John Welch [???] if i keep on getting
fat i will fill them out soon
[page 2]
tell mother she may send me
them cloths when ever she has a
chance and i will be very much ablige
to her if she can git a pair of
saddle pockets i dont ned much at
present but a pair of boots henry
sent me word he would make them
i recon i have got nearly every letter
[cousin?] John has writen
i got one from John horn one from Salie Adams
one from catherin James and one from you
this morning i will close for this time
John Stoner is here we took him
in our mess he sends his love to all
so nothing more at present but i remain
your son until death
J N Snider
i will write soon pleas send me
a little paper for it is hard to get
out here i think i can send you
some money soon we expect to make
a draw the 15 of this month
so good by to all J N Snider
please send me my frock coat

August 10, 1861


Rockbridge 2nd Dragoons (Co. H, 14th Virginia Cavalry)
Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2016

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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