

Hanover Hospital August 11th 1862
Dear fren
I am here sick, I was sick a week in camp before I came here & I have been here a week to day, I am so weak that I cant sit up long at a time, My sickness was caused frome fatigue & for want of proper food, I cant get use to pickle pork & crackers, if I couldnt get any thing else to eat I would starve, I would write oftener but I am pestered to get paper sometimes, I was in hopes to have started home this morning but was disappointed, Thaddeous was so certain that I was going home that he sent me a note last night informing me what to tell you all, he will write to you soon, he is well I would like to go home very much and see the growing Cr[o]p stock & c. it is now time to sow turnep seed, Henry knows the place that I selected and if it is not rich enough you can have more manure put on it; there is no Male a mong my sheep, I would like for Henry to swap a weath- -er for a male lamb, so he get a good one, I suppose that M Guthrey would exchange; I would like to sell 3 or 4 weathers this fall if I could get a good price, weathers is so apt to get to be mischievous. respecting my wool I tolde my woman Maria when the sheep was sheared to wash & dry the wool put it in baggs and lay it away, until I go home, I hope when those few lines reach you they may finde you and your family enjoying good health Give my respects to Mrs Shepard & family Very respectfully Yours Geo. K. Evans

August 11, 1862


Co. K, 4th Cavalry
Residence (County): 
Buckingham County, VA


Residence (County): 
Buckingham County, VA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Hanover Hospital


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allison Bertoldie
Transcription Date: 
March, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
October, 2012

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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